
Chapter 34: Macon Forrester

Macon Setter

Elton Elway was a formidable old warlock. I had met with him before, but that was when I was just the Alpha of the Forrester pack. Now, I was Serena’s mate. Serena received a text from her mom informing her to meet her in the training room, and that I was supposed to meet Elton in the entryway of the loft.

Witches and warlocks didn’t age like everybody else because of their magic. So even though Elton was in his eighties, he still looked like he was in his fifties. There was something very golden age of a cinema movie star about him. He was wearing a suit with a crisp, white unbuttoned dress shirt and black aviator sunglasses even though we were inside. He pulled them down his nose slightly to look at me.

“Macon Forrester,” he said. “You know, I had a feeling about you the first time you came to help us with that vampire problem. I knew I’d be seeing you here again. Didn’t think it would be with my granddaughter though.”