
Chapter Sixty-Six – The dark energy's plan.

(The Dark Dynasty)

Margaret woke to come murmurings and scolding inside the room which she knew was the King's.

His mother seemed to be scolding him for losing control? That he did surely. Margaret just laid there inclining her ears to hear more.

'She is the worst mate you can have but you have to tolerate her. Scott is close and you haven't unlocked your gift" the Queen barked.

Gerard slurped down the remaining content of his drink. Did his mother think life had been easy for him since the so-called mate came to his life?

She shouldn't forget he felt her pain so would be very careful to not hurt her but the dark energy was just out of control.

The same dark energy that directed her as his mate and warned him to not hurt her, was the one who nearly snuffed life out of her.

When he had left her unconscious in the room, the dark energy let go of him giving him all the pain that he'd caused upon her.