
The Alpha's Saviour

A trip to Wolfsberg manor is the last thing on Adrian's mind. After the visit, his life practically changed with more friends and deadly enemies. Would he survive being the Alpha's Saviour? **** Adrian Knight, a nerdy introvert and his prank-obsessed sister, Stormie, inherit their deceased father's family castle. When they reach there alongside, their mother. Adrian, accidentally transforms into a werewolf because of a faulty experiment and their secret identity is exposed. What happens when Adrian changes into a whole new person with godlike abilities and strengths? What happens when a quick trip became life changing? It all started with the girl next door.

Madeenah_Junaid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Her foster dad, Tobias, was at it again. Most nights, he gets home drunk and comes home beating her up for his miserable life. It happens like this and she ends up covering it up so no one noticed.

Hiding behind the old sofa, Tobias smashed a wine bottle at her and she let out a painful cry, holding her forehead.

"You, witch! Why haven't you made dinner?!" His grumpy voice yelled out.

"I had to work extra time at the grocery store today." Maria explained in her German accent. "There were more customers because of the fest. My boss asked me to stay."

She felt a sudden wetness in her palms and looked at it. Blood rolled drown her forehead, and she wiped it off with tears.

"So you respect your boss more than me now? You defy me without a second thought?"

"No... No, it's not like that." she tried explaining.

"Then it's how? Tell me!" He moved closer, and she fell back, defeated.

"Twack! Twack!" Tobias threw Maria hard blows till her face turned red. She squeaked, receiving more beatings. Maria fell to the ground, lifeless, and he grabbed her by the shirt. Throwing more blows at her face. The only sound heard in the dark room was the squashy sounds of his fist against her face, thud and grunts of pain.

"Grrrrrrr Grrrrr!!!" A loud, disturbing noise came from outside, as if something was at the door.

"Grrrrrrr! Grrrr!!"

"Who is that?!" Tobias hissed.

"Grrrr! Grrrrr!"


"I said who the hell is that?!" he cursed, fuming anger burning in his eyes. He stood up to get the door when Adrian forcefully busted in. The hard wooden door smashed as he proceeded.

Seeing the wolf, Tobias' eyes widened. He came back to consciousness with heavy breaths, as if it would be his last.

"Grrr!" Adrian growled at him aggressively as his golden-yellow eyes narrowed at him.

As if he was ready to give him a good chew, but Maria's heavy breath interrupted. Tobias took a step, opening the window beside him. About to take a bite, he flipped over the window and tumbled to the well, which was left open at their backyard. About to set off his hunter's instincts, Adrian left him there, in the well. Not caring what his end would be.

Not caring to check on him, Adrian walked to Maria. His eyes focused on hers as he started licking of her blood. Unable to transform into his human form.

Just then, someone broke in. It was sir Shkodra. He had a black suitcase in hand. The room was dark that he squinted his eyes to see. Adrian walked out of the dark, and Sir Shkodra held him in a hug.

"I got it right, Adrian." He opened the suitcase and brought out the solution. He had spent almost five hours working on it and, hopefully, it works.

Sir Shkodra gently fixed the needle to the syringe and drew the solution, which was glowing-green. He then deepened the injection into his neck.

Immediately, Adrian's bones creaked. Reshaping unnaturally as to shift to deform in a human skeleton. With a little pain, he transformed into a human in seconds.

It totally healed Adrian from all the beatings and scratches. Rushing to Maria, who was still in the darkness. Adrian was unsure if she saw him or not, but he was really concerned about her. Taking her outside, Sir Shkodra handed him a tiny bottle.

"Let her drink this oil." he took back his suitcase and walked out.

"What about Stormie? Was she able to win the fight?" Adrian required with fear written all over his face.

"Yes, she's on the mountain as we speak-"

"Owwwww!" A monstrous howling distracted from a distance. "Would you come along with me to the market? We can all go home from there."

"I'd meet up with you." Adrian replied with a satisfying smirk.

Sir Shkodra walked back into his old truck and drove off, to the direction of the market. Adrian walked into the building to bring out Maria. She was breathing, but immensely bleeding. He placed the bottle to her mouth as she gently gulped down its content.

In an instant, Maria's hand touched her head and face. Surprised at the fact that her wounds sealed.

Maria opened her eyes to Adrian's. Unsure of what to do, or how to react. The last she remembered was him leaving her at the grocery store without a goodbye. It completely shocked her he came to save her now... How did he know? Her poor heart hammered in her chest as tears filled up the space of her eyes. Maria's hands hold her spinning head, she could not control the feelings and thoughts.

"You came back for me?..." she tried to speak but find her throat a little sore.

"Yes, Mate."

"What?" Panic crept up her throat as she stared at him, lost for words. "What did you just..."

"It's been three days since we met, but I know you are the one for me, Maria."

At the moment, everything around them was a blur. Maria froze, gaping at Adrian with puzzled eyes. Her body was under the intensity of his charming black eyes and his index finger tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I love you, Maria. And I want to be by your side, as long as you'll have me."

She had a million of questions to ask Adrian. A billion of things to say, but nothing came out. Staring at him in the puzzlement. Adrian scooted over to her, his glittering onyx eyes filled with passion as he came closer and closer, until he was less than an inch away from her. Maria's heart was thumping hard, and her soft, freckled cheeks were a fiery shade of red.

Adrian placed his muscular hands gently on her small shoulders and lowered his face to hers. With his forehead a little slanted hers, he brought his lips to hers, capturing her in a gentle but firm kiss.

The feeling of fire completely consumed Maria. Her eyes widened at his sudden decision, still unable to feel herself on the grass where she was sitting.

Adrian's warm fingers wrapped around her neck as he deepened the kiss. The feeling of her pulse fastened in terror and ecstasy. Making her eyes slowly close. A single tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes, while her long lashes cast a shadow on her stained, freckled cheeks.

Maria lost Adrian in the kiss they shared. Their first kiss was a long one, full of mutual passion and a shared love. Adrian buried his hands in her red hair, running his fingers through it as he kissed her with an unearthly fire and passion.

Finally, they broke apart, breathing heavily and lying on top of each other.

"I love you, too." Maria panted, getting off of Adrian. Her eyes pulled together as if something was amiss. "Where is my dad?"

"Uh..." He scratched his nape, confusedly. Maria ran to the back of the house while Adrian followed.

Looking into the well, they met his body floating on the surface.

"He was so scared that he jumped in. Adrian explained. I'm sorry-" Maria cut the rest of his sentence off, pressing her lips to his. She felt her skin on fire as heat coursed through her veins, but she kept it up.

"What was that for?"

"For doing the right thing." She smiled at him, trying to suppress her laugh. "Come on, let's go the market before the fest is over."

Maria told him.

She always wanted to be with this boy, she realized. That Adrian was the one for her.

"Catch me if you can!" she ran into the distance while Adrian followed. That night, they ran hand in hand, into the distance, where destiny was calling their names.