
The Alpha's Saviour

A trip to Wolfsberg manor is the last thing on Adrian's mind. After the visit, his life practically changed with more friends and deadly enemies. Would he survive being the Alpha's Saviour? **** Adrian Knight, a nerdy introvert and his prank-obsessed sister, Stormie, inherit their deceased father's family castle. When they reach there alongside, their mother. Adrian, accidentally transforms into a werewolf because of a faulty experiment and their secret identity is exposed. What happens when Adrian changes into a whole new person with godlike abilities and strengths? What happens when a quick trip became life changing? It all started with the girl next door.

Madeenah_Junaid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


The secret door to the laboratory creak as it opened. Sir Shkodra, in his black suit and tall, trimmed figure, stepped in with his shoulder back and chin up.

He flashed his touch light with squinted eyes. Focused on the hook and cronies in the room. Sir Shkodra's black oxford shoes faves knocks to the marble floor as he approached.

"Lets duck. Duck!" Stormie whispered as they hide by the door with their knees to the ground.

Adrian turned odd his flashlight so Sir Shkodra won't notice. Then he heard something and walked to the door. Pointing his flashlight through the glass, he looked vividly at the room, knowing there was no single shelf for them to hide. He peeped carefully and listened to the grave silence.

Adrian and Stormie held their breaths, knowing at a point they would have to give up. Adrian tried hard not to breathe, feeling his pounding heartbeats that might be heard. It was icy cold in the room and there were only two long tables on both sides. Each held over a thousand tubes of blood samples.

Adrian and Stormie held still until he turned back. Sir Shkodra's hazel, green eyes rolled up and sideways. And he peeped under to marble table but there was no one there. His thick, rough eyebrows raised and joined in unison. Sir Shkodra's frown was one to avoid. He checked round and around and finally stepped out.

"Do you think he's gone?" Adrian asked, observing nothing.

"I don't know." Stormie replied. Then the door closed.

"This place strangely feels odd. Can you hear that noise?" Adrian asked. "It's disturbing."

Stormie just opened her eyes. It was so dark, she couldn't see anything.

Adrian turned on his flashlight, and it didn't work. His finger shivered at the switch.

"What's wrong with this torch? What is really happening?" he snapped. Adrian was curious to know what was in this secret room. Probably dead human skeletons or living ghosts. If that even exists.

Then, Stormie opened her laptop in hand. Increasing its brightness, she realized the network was fully active.

Facing it up, they saw something strange.

"W... What's that?" Adrian quivered.

The gurgling croak, squawk much deeper and more musical than a crow's simple, scratchy caw. 

Squinting closer, they saw the black birds and wondered what they were.

"RAVEEEENNNSS!.... AHHHHH!!!!!!" Adrian and Stormie screamed out their lungs in terror. "HELLLLPPPP!!!!!!"

All the ravens, about a thousand or more, scattered to the sound and scratched Adrian and Stormie. In a confusion, the flock of eagle-sized ravens forcefully squawk against them. The siblings busted out of the dark room in a long, endless race, screaming for help as if chased by death.

"There were about a million test tubes filled with blood in that dark, horrible room. Why is blood stored in the Wolfsberg Manor? Like seriously... How would someone have a room filled with blood and ravens in their house?!" Adrian enraged. "Except if she was a witch or something!"

"That was a secret room, okay? And this house belongs to Madan Magdalena Novak of Wolfsberg. She must have been an extraordinary person to have owned this castle.

"Aww!" Adrian cried.

Stormie pressed a piece of cotton wool to the mid-met of his bottom foot.

"Aw! Aww!!"

Stormie frowned at him and stopped.

"Can't you be a guy for once?! I haven't even touched you yet."

"Just do it already."he hissed, scratching his head miserably.

"Then stop moving!" Stormie warned.

Her black-dotted eyes focused on the piece of glass that was stuck to his foot. She clipped the tweezers together and with a grunt of effort, pulled it out.

"Got it." She looked at how sharp the piece was and threw it into the waste bin.

"Good night, dude! I need to wash off your blood from my tweezers." Stormie said, before leaving Adrian's room.

"Can this night get any worse?" He placed his back on the bed and rolled his eyes at his laptop. Letting out an exasperated sigh.

A soft chuckle from his laptop caught his attention, and he realized the party was scanty, unlike before. Adrian put on his reading glasses to get a better view.

"Where were we? Did Ashley come at all? Or she left already." he asked himself, hopeful.

She wrapped her hands against Jason's neck while she drove to him, passionate wet kisses.

Jason held her waist, too. Making out with Ash right they. Then his fingers crawled into her hair. Although Ash looked tipsy but the smile on her face was as big as the sun. She wrapped her legs at the small of his back, while Jason buried his face to her neck, groaning in a love-burning sensation. They were both engrossed with each other and some students at the background were cheering them up.

Disappointed tears clouded Adrian's eyes. He wasn't expecting it. He wasn't expecting this at all. His lips trembled and his eyes burned. Adrian closed his laptop as his heart sank. A single tear escaped the corner of his eyes. He didn't bother wiping it off. He took off his glass's hand placed his head on the cottoned-pillow.

Even though he knew that his chance to get the girl next door was pretty slim, this really pained. Adrian silently wept till sleep took over.

The moon, like a ball, rose from the dark clouds.

The trees in the forest were malady-brown. Grains of poison begrimed the bark and gleamed like witch dust. Trolls haunted the sooty coppices, salivating over their prey and smearing the blood over their heavy faces. The decaying air and stifling atmosphere provided the perfect abode for those who worshipped the darkness rather than the light. In the dense shadows, spiders clutched their snare-strings. Their webs shimmered like meshed steel dipped in silver. Like the full moon.

A flock of ravens flew above the castle in the chilly night. A flash of thunder struck from the sky and Adrian's head grumbled like an empty drum. He was still asleep, yet couldn't sleep. As if having a nightmare, his fingers grabbed his head in pain. The terror of the night, filling his mind. Adrian held his head with both hands as if his boiling brains would burst out soon.

His veins like roots stretched out of his body, making his groan in the struggle. Every breath thickened and when the howl of the wolves came, Adrian jolted from the torture in a gasp.


He screamed in distress, as if being chased. Adrian's scared eyes widened as he felt they were calling him. But he didn't go. Because of Sir Shkodra's warning.

"Aooohhhhhh!!!" More wolf growls echoed outside while Adrian whimpered. Unable to sleep.