
The Alpha's Revenge

The Black Wolf was now standing so close to me. I let out a whimper and started to cry so loud. “Pl…please do… don’t eat me” I hiccupped. It looked at me with amusement and fury clear in its golden orbs. Which was surrounded by a blue ring. “Why…? Why did you eat him?” I asked Mr. Wolf with a hoarse voice, due to crying. It tilted its head to the side and made some strange noise. Its fur started to vanish and was replaced by tan skin. The wolf started to shift into a human, more like Alexander. I was speechless and he was... whoa! Naked, like butt naked. He had well-defined abs, muscular chest, he was slender but looks stronger. I could see his V line which leads to his… I diverted my eyes to his face. I tried not to focus on his junk. So I looked into his blue eyes, which hold the entire ocean, captive. I gaped at him like a fish, unable to form a sentence. Was he even real? “Missed me so much?” he asked me with a teasing smile. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him so tight. He stiffened under my arms, not expecting my little outburst. He started to relax under my arms and heaved a sigh of relief. I could feel every ridge, pecks, and hard muscle of his body press into my soft one. I didn’t care about his nakedness because I thought he was eaten by a wolf. I started to cry once again. He held me close to his chest and rocked me back and forth to calm me. “I… I thought you were e… eaten by that w… wolf” I sobbed into his chest. He just rubbed my back. “Catherine how can I eat myself?” he asked me and it made me stiffen with realization. Oh my god!

Nightingale2909 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 17 – Dirty boys

They both made their way to the washbasin in our garden and washed their face and hands. Xander helped the little boy to clean up.


"That tickles, Zandiii." Eric squealed and squirmed in his large muscular arms. Xander laughed genuinely at the little boy. He looked so happy and carefree as if he was showing his true self. I looked at the beautiful sight in front of me with a big smile on my face. I felt so warm and fuzzy all over my heart.

I picked two towels and went near them. Our eyes clashed with each other, I gave one to Xander and bent to Eric's height, wiping the water off his face and hand.

"What did you make for us, Aunt, Kitty?" the little champ asked me, he was a little jumpy on his toes. I really didn't know where he was getting all this energy from.

"Chicken sandwich and lemonade," I answer him in a soft voice. His eyes lit up instantly and he dashed to the stone bench where our food was located. I chortled softly at his retreating figure.

I stood up to my full height and I spotted Xander still in his place, unmoving. He didn't wipe off the water from his face and his hair was wet as well.

"What are you doing? Wipe the water off, you're gonna catch a cold if you don't," I frowned at him with concern. He was still holding the towel in his hands. He gave me a conceited smirk and made his way towards me.

"Aren't you gonna wipe it off my body as you did it for that little boy?" he bent down to my height and whispered huskily in my ears. He was still shirtless and his upper body was dripping wet. His golden skin shone like metal in sunlight. I had the urge to run my palm against his hard pecks.

His damp hair was combed back by his fingers a strand fell on his eyes. He looked hot with all those toned muscles of his. I could see his defined V line leading inside his pants. I averted my eyes and blinked my eyes to clear my mind.

When did I become such a pervert? I asked myself.

"Don't be childish, Xander. He is a little kid." I told him with a straight face even though my heart was fluttering at his words.

He grabbed my left hand and placed the towel on my palm. I was speechless as soon his hot skin touched my cold one. His palm was so large and rough, it made my wrist drown in his palm.

"Fine, I won't wipe it off. If I catch a cold, the blame is on you." he thinned his lips and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I glared at him, why was he acting like a child all of a sudden. He was acting weird today but in a good way not in his usual arrogant, cocky self.

"Fine!" I finally gave up and muttered some inherent words under my breath. I grabbed his muscular arms in my hand and dragged him to a raised platform.

"Really!" he gave me a lopsided grin, surprised that I gave up easily without putting up a fight.

"Sit here," I commanded and pushed him down to sit. I stood in between his thighs; he looked up at me with his sparkling eyes and his taunting smirk. I put the towel on his head and hid his face with annoyance which made him chuckle at me.

I started to dry his silky, soft mane and once it was dried, I started to dab the water from his broad shoulder. He was truly a sight to be held. I gulped at the feeling of his broad shoulders against my palm.

"I think you are standing a little too far from me." he suddenly stated. He wrapped his arms around my hip and pulled me closer to him which made his nose brush against my bust. I froze in my spot, I looked down at him and his intense gaze was already locked with me. I could feel his hot breath through my shirt.

"Catherine… what are you doing to me?" he whispered seductively and tightened his arms around my hips. His skin was slightly brushing against my exposed skin at the hem of my shirt. My knees turned into jellies.

"….." I don't know how to respond to him.

There was this familiar feeling of butterflies erupting into my stomach. My heart was beating so fast. His crystal blue eyes darkened with lust and there was some other emotion present there but I couldn't point it out.

My knees gave up and I ended on one of his thighs. I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself. He pulled me closer to his front and pressed his nose against mine. I could feel every hard curve of his bare front flushed against my soft feminine one. He was breathing hard, my lips tingled with need. Our lips were only a breath away. He grazed his nose with me slowly.

"Alexander…" I whispered his name, it rolled off my tongue like butter. He cut off me by pressing his lips against mine. As soon as his plush lips pressed against mine, sparks flew and my body tingled with need.

I put my other leg on this thigh and straddled him. The kiss soon turned heated and we were ravaging each other like some hungry animals. We both pulled away panting heavily. He pecked my lips once, twice, thrice, and trailed down hungry kisses down my jawline. I gripped his hair and pulled his face closer to my neck.

"Aunt, Kitty!" a baby voice snapped out of our little world. Xander pushed me to the ground as soon as he heard Eric's voice. I landed on my ass with an 'Oomph '. I glared at him from the ground. His cheeks were lit with pink, was he blushing?

He was rubbing his neck awkwardly. Eric was looking at us with curiosity.

"Aunt, Kitty what are you doing on Zandii's lap?" He asked me with a frown. My ears started to burn in embarrassment.

"Err… I…we…he…um…" I searched for the words.

"Dirt! Yes, I got dirt into my eyes, and Aunt, Kitty was helping me to get rid of it." Xander spewed some lies with an awkward laugh. I stood up from the ground and nodded my head, agreeing to him.

Eric scrutinized his gaze upon us and gave us a… was that a smirk? he was a kid for crying out loud.

"You are lying!" he accused us and pointed a finger at us. We both looked at him like two naughty kids who were playing tango.

"You both were K-I-S-S-S-I-N-G" he pronounced every word with a giggle.

"You little spy, come here." Xander started to chase him while he ran off giggling and taunting us. I hid my face in my palms embarrassed.

God! kids nowadays were impossible.

"I saw that Zandii!" he squealed and ran around me. This day was getting weirder as each minute pass.


We all went to the stone bench and ate the food peacefully. Eric made faces at Xander which made him grumble under his breath. The big guy was totally defeated by this little man. I shook my head at them and continued munching on my sandwich.

"You know? I have never expected you to act so calmly when I revealed to you that I am a werewolf," he told me looking at the plants that we had planted earlier.

"Then, what did you expect me to react like?" I asked him softly. The wind was breezing softly, caressing the greenery and created a serene atmosphere around us.

"Dramatic, Yelling or doing some crazy things most of the normal girls do." he gave me a lopsided grin.

"Crazy things? Excuse me. Those are an act of showing their emotions," I informed him with disbelief.

"Okay, not crazy things, now peace!" he raised his hands in mock surrender but his grin was still present there.

"To answer your earlier question, yes, I was a little scared when you told me that you were a werewolf but it was you, so I don't need to be afraid of anything," I answered, facing him. He looked at me like he was solving the most difficult puzzle in his life. He looked somewhat guilty, but why? He didn't do anything to me. Maybe, I imagined that part. His gaze was unwavering and intense.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I questioned him suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"Nothing!" he turned abruptly from my face, we both heard light snoring from my right side. I looked down to see Eric snuggled to my stomach. His head was rested on my lap, his hands were fisting the front of my shirt.

He must be exhausted from all the running.

"I guess, someone is asleep," Xander told me with a light chuckle.