"What sort of history do they have? Is it going to be violent? It must be trivial considering the fact that Skrymir himself asked me to bring Fenrir." Loki said.
(Note - Skyrmir is another name for Utgard Loki. Many gods and mythology characters have multiple names which I will be referencing.)
Lucas shook his head. He then looked solemnly towards the castle that they were approaching. They passed two huge gates and entered a hall that was the size of a football field. This was no joke. The hall could be repurposed as a stadium, and it would still be one of the biggest in the world.
Lucas looked at this with wonder as he kept walking. There were crude sculptures everywhere, and the distinctive marks of chisels hitting stone were quite visible. It was clear that giants were not as excellent craftsmen as humans were. They had huge and bulky hands that just were not suited for delicate use.