
Chapter 19 : Celebrations


I was right. He had called for me after, what I could only assume was, a very tense meeting with Charles, only he didn’t look angry. He didn’t look much of anything, truthfully.

“Explain to me why you hit Isolde yesterday,” Gabe said, rubbing his temples like I was a child he was scolding for the hundredth time.

“She said I couldn’t be the Luna because I don’t know what it means to be part of a family,” I said bitterly. I was sitting in the parlor with Gabe. I couldn’t look him in the eye.

“You broke her nose.”

“I know,” I said. I did not feel bad about hitting her, but I still shouldn’t have done it. I shouldn’t have let her get under my skin and I certainly shouldn’t have done it the day before the feast. Gabe and Val had put a lot of work into planning this party to introduce me to the pack and I ruined it by punching Isolde.

“Charles is furious,” he said. His expression was stony as he stared at me.