

"Why are you so scared of me? I love you so much , you're my mate and nothing can change that, my love I want you to know that I can never hurt you, please my love come to me." He stood there waiting for her to come but she folded herself trembling, 'Should I go?' His sweet and caring voice keep on repeating itself, shaking her head while breathing heavily. "G—Go.." She startled while trembling, "go away!" "Why?" He asked wanting to know the reason. "I don't... I don't want to see you, pl-- please leave me.... Alone!" Tears began to rush from her eyes. "But I can't live without you, you are my love, my mate and my goddess!" His sonorous sexy voice sounded clear in her ears. He added, "You are hurting me, if you keep pushing me away my love, please don't say it agai—" "You love someone else!" She spat out.

Twinkle_Blue_2240 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs



Horace and Ariel made their way inside the dungeon, it was located in the underground and it didn't seems like the one she cleaned last time, the place look so lonely and hunted, Horace pick up a fire sick before turning to face his mate.

"I will like to hold your hands, my love, because of the slippy floor," he said while stretching out his hand for her to take.

"I'm fine," she replied.

"Okay stick closer to me, so you won't fall," he added nicely.

The both slowly walk down the slippy floor, Ariel who was glancing around in fear, suddenly slipped but before she could kiss the dirty floor, Horace strong arms quickly caught her, and with that gesture and spark their eyes met.

Their blue eyes stared at each other as much emotions ran through them , he circled his hand around her waist, and carried her like a princess.

Ariel gasped on seeing this, she forced to get down but his strong muscular arm held her still.