

"Why are you so scared of me? I love you so much , you're my mate and nothing can change that, my love I want you to know that I can never hurt you, please my love come to me." He stood there waiting for her to come but she folded herself trembling, 'Should I go?' His sweet and caring voice keep on repeating itself, shaking her head while breathing heavily. "G—Go.." She startled while trembling, "go away!" "Why?" He asked wanting to know the reason. "I don't... I don't want to see you, pl-- please leave me.... Alone!" Tears began to rush from her eyes. "But I can't live without you, you are my love, my mate and my goddess!" His sonorous sexy voice sounded clear in her ears. He added, "You are hurting me, if you keep pushing me away my love, please don't say it agai—" "You love someone else!" She spat out.

Twinkle_Blue_2240 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs



"You don't have to be scared of speaking with him love, he's a nice guy," Horace said and she nodded slowly.

They got down from the car, and headed inside the mansion.


Ariel took her bath, dressed into a nice yellow gown that left her boobs slightly exposed, and parked her hair in a bun using a blue ribbon.

Horace smiled on seeing her, he peck her cheek, and led her to the dinning table where their lunch were kept.

She prayed in her mind, picking up her spoon, she begin to eat.

"Why aren't you eating?" She asks.

"Eat my love, I'm not hungry," he said, staring at her lips.

His eyes travel down to her chest, looking at her milky skin that kept calling him here and there. He swallow hard, and slowly drowned in the sea of admiration.

Ariel could feel his burning at her making her feel really uncomfortable.