

"Why are you so scared of me? I love you so much , you're my mate and nothing can change that, my love I want you to know that I can never hurt you, please my love come to me." He stood there waiting for her to come but she folded herself trembling, 'Should I go?' His sweet and caring voice keep on repeating itself, shaking her head while breathing heavily. "G—Go.." She startled while trembling, "go away!" "Why?" He asked wanting to know the reason. "I don't... I don't want to see you, pl-- please leave me.... Alone!" Tears began to rush from her eyes. "But I can't live without you, you are my love, my mate and my goddess!" His sonorous sexy voice sounded clear in her ears. He added, "You are hurting me, if you keep pushing me away my love, please don't say it agai—" "You love someone else!" She spat out.

Twinkle_Blue_2240 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
144 Chs



He closed his eyes and uttered a spell word, then he opened it and smiled sweetly at her and said,

"You are such a nice girl, and your kind heart will place you in an unexpected position."

"Higher one," he added.

He concluded by say, "Congratulations miss Elizabeth, the journey isn't far from here."

Beth's rejoiced on hearing the revelation and she thanked him greatfully.

"Your turn miss," he turned to Ariel,

"What is your name, beauty?" he asked while staring into her obsidian blue eyes.

"I'm Ariel Hermanus," she said nicely.

"Ariel Hermanus," he repeated the name softly then he added,

"Sounds like a name of a god."

He then chuckled and continued,

"You are a beautiful girl with a lovely name Ariel. I bet alot of suitors will definitely be after you, because of your great beauty," He admired.

Then he took her hand and uttered the spell word before closing it..

Warning bells ringing loudly in his ears and his face frowned like he has seen something horrific.

Her future displayed like a movie in his mind, causing him to gasps.

His expression got they girls speechless.

He quickly open his eyes, making the look on his face to be more suspicious.

He opened his mouth to speak but ended up saying nothing.

The girls confusedly stared at him, waiting for him to say something, but nothing came out.

Noticing the look on their faces, he feigned a hard smile, that felt less convincing.

"What's the matter?" Beth curiously asked.

"Nothing muchmiss," he replied quickly.

Then he turn to Ariel.

"Can I have a moment with you?"

"Umm.." she turned to face Beth who nodded at her.


"Excuse me miss," he said to beth before leading ariel to a Conner.

"I-- I shouldn't be saying this, but something tells me that you are different. I don't know but your future were full of horror, but I saw someone... Someone who strongly stood by your sid,"

"Protecting you," He added.

Arie became speechless on hearing this, he then led her back to were Beth was.

"I pray you get victory over the things you are about to face. But I'm sorry for those who wants to hurt you, because they don't know their consequences," He said to Ariel, he then look into her eyes added;

"You are special and lucky, your porpose of living will soon manifest."

"Well thanks ladies for your time have a nice day, goodbye."

With that he quickly parked his goods and hurried out of the town, leaving no traces of him behind.

"That was strange," Commented Beth

'What was that? what does he mean by the word different. Why did he say those creepy things to me?' Ariel question herself.

"Are you alright? what did he say to you over there?" Asked the curious Beth.

Shaking her head she replied,

"I -- I don't know what he was talking about, it's quite confusing, I just don't understand all this." Ariel voiced out.


"Don't mind him, you know the acts weird sometimes, is nothing to bother much on, besides he said you are special and lucky," Elizabeth said trying to ease Ariel's tension

then she added;

"Let's go buy the receipts for the chicken rice," she added and the both left the spot.

Ariel tried her best to forget the things wakanda said to her in the market, but it keep repeating itself in her mind, sinking dip down her heart.

'What does he mean, that I'm a different person? and I'm about to face a bigger trouble, what troubles?' she kept asking herself.

"Ariel?" beth called out, "You don't have to believe what the fortune teller said. you know most of them aren't real, so don't bother about it, okay?" Beth tried to convince her nicely.

When they girls returned home from the market, ariel found out that her uncle James hasn't yet returned,

so she walk straight to the kitchen followed by beth and they both began to prepare the meal.

"Are you done cutting the carrots?" beth asked trying to distract her from her thoughts.

"Oh, yeah," she replied quickly.

"I've set the dinning," said beth

"Okay, I will take this with me," ariel said as she carried the white sized pot filled with the decision meal. The aroma wafting through their noses, filling the air.

The time stroke 8pm, but there was no sign of him.

"You can eat your food, it seems he won't be coming anytime soon," Felicia said to her daughters, and they began to eat.

Ariel walked out of the kitchen, carrying her food with her. She got to the dinning and place it on the table before she sat to eat.

"What do you think you are doing here?" Felicia barked at her causing her spoon to fall from her hand and she quickly stood up.

"I-- I want to--."

"Will you shut up and get out from here, evil brat." she cut her off.

"Mom!" beth yelled at her mother,

"Why? Why won't you let her eat with us? Why canyuou let her be? she tried so much preparing all this dishes. Besides we eat together when father was around," Elizabeth yelled out as she defended Ariel.

"Are you talking to me in such manner, Elizabeth? have you forgotten that I am your mother?" She yelled out while hitting her hand on the table, then she continued;

"Oh, do you think I don't know what she has done to you? do you think I don't know that she has possessed you, turning you against me," Felicia yelled out in frustration

"I am so disappointed in you," beth said then she carried her food and headed to her room.

Ariel quickly carry her food to leave but was stopped by Felicia,

"You, I will turn your life into a living hell, I promise you that, bastard," Felicia yelled out fiercely.

Ariel quickly ran to her room, closing the door behind she sat on the floor and wept bitterly, and with no time rain began to fall

She cried until she slept off.

Later at night, she heard a knock on her door, she stood up and stretched herself before walking towards the door.


The door opened revealing beth who stood smiling brightly at her.

"Have you slept already?" she asked all looking excited.

"Yes," she yawned while she replied.

"Oh, well Ariel, I have a good news, my dad is back!" Beth said excitedly

Ariel's eyes twinkled on hearing this and she smiled widely.


"Yes!" replied beth and the both hugged each other. Then she added;

"You can go see him now, his was actually asking of you," Beth said nicely

"Thank you Beth."

"You are always welcome, dear cousin," and the both smiled brightly at each other.

"Alright then I will be off to my room," she as she turned to leave but ariel stopped her.

"Beth?" She called out softly.

She turned and answered, "yes?"

"Thank you," a drop of tears fell from her eyes .

"You're welcome ariel, goodnight."

"Good night." With that she went back to her room.

Ariel closed the door behind her and walked around her room touching the walls before she look out of the window and noticed that the rain has stopped,the full mood was shined brightly at her and she smiled sweetly, before whispering into the dark,

"I miss you mom."

She check the time and noticed that it was already 11pm.

She quickly changed into a nice dress and dashed out of the room to welcome her uncle.

She slowed down on reaching his door, then she rise her hand to knock but unfortunately she heard Felicia laminating something against her.

"I'm telling you what I saw, that girl is a witch," Felicia let ou maliciously.

"Why are you speaking against that girl, she has done nothing to deserve all this." James said while trying to defend his niece.

"Okay, come to think of it, what happened to your sister? did you find exactly what killed her?" She questioned him,

"Can't you see that she had killed her and ran to this place to kill us all." Felicia spat out.

"Ariel is not that way, she's innocent."

"Ariel! Ariel! Ariel! can't you open your eyes and look through this girl, she is demonic possessed. I don't sleep at night, I keep on having this nightmares seeing her chasing us with a Cutlass ready to kill us, after that I consulted a prophet and he said that she is a witch that has come to wipe our family."

"The longer she stays here, the riskier our lives will be," She added.

Everywhere went dead silence and Ariel's eyes widened in surprise and her heart crushed into pieces.