

"Why are you so scared of me? I love you so much , you're my mate and nothing can change that, my love I want you to know that I can never hurt you, please my love come to me." He stood there waiting for her to come but she folded herself trembling, 'Should I go?' His sweet and caring voice keep on repeating itself, shaking her head while breathing heavily. "G—Go.." She startled while trembling, "go away!" "Why?" He asked wanting to know the reason. "I don't... I don't want to see you, pl-- please leave me.... Alone!" Tears began to rush from her eyes. "But I can't live without you, you are my love, my mate and my goddess!" His sonorous sexy voice sounded clear in her ears. He added, "You are hurting me, if you keep pushing me away my love, please don't say it agai—" "You love someone else!" She spat out.

Twinkle_Blue_2240 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs



"Horace my boy! I'm missing you already," Caecilus cried out before hugging him.

"C'mon old man, my mate is watching you, get off my body," Horace let out.

"Xavier?" Aella called out and Xavier went to her.

They guards opened the door for Horace and his mate but before Ariel could enter the car, she rushed towards lady flora and hugged her tightly.

"Aww, my sweet girl, I will miss you so much, take care of yourself, okay? the woman let out emotionally.


Then she went to Iryza and hugged her too, a kind of hug that caused her to cry, "Iryza, thank you for all you've for me, I will never forget you," Ariel cried out.

"Come on girl, don't be like that, of course we gonna be seeing each other, you are my best friend you know, just put the things I told you in practice, I will miss you more, Ariel," iryza said trying so hard to control her tears.