
Chapter 32

I trusted people I didn’t even know instead of trusting the man I loved.

Galam’s shoulders were slumped as he stared at his dark carpet with tired eyes. He was stressed and he was in trouble. He couldn’t do anything about it. Nothing pained me more to see him so helpless.

I was so stupid and naïve. He did everything to protect us and everyone looked at him negatively because they didn’t know the whole story. I mentally slapped myself for believing he was the bad guy too.

After an agonizing long silence, I sighed. He was risking everything for us. I wanted to help him more than anything. "Galam, what do they want?" I whispered.

He still didn’t look at me. "Forget it, Juli," He said without room to dwell on it. "Just know that I’m truly sorry for everything."

I gulped. Only now, I chose to believe it. I felt beyond guilty that he had to explain everything just so I could deem that his apology meant something.