
Chapter 30

"Yeah, Galam and my dad get along pretty well. Galam’s my dad’s favorite. My dad teaches him how to shoot at the ranch sometimes," Hayley says happily while I was anything but happy.

My palms started getting clammy and my blood ran cold when everything started to click into place. The weapons I found in Galam’s room. The shootings he practiced with the one and only creator of the vile weapons – his girl friend’s dad. The werewolves that were teaming up with the hunters. The reason why he was putting his pack in danger because "he didn’t want to give up something that was excessively valuable". The reason why he didn’t want to give me an answer when I asked him what the hunters and rogues wanted. It because he didn’t have an answer in the first place. It was all lies.

I felt my fist clench under the table, my heart aching at the hurtful truth. My eye twitched as I replayed the painful discovery in my head. There was no way Galam was betraying us, right?