
Chapter 15

My mind was still reeling with the fact that we found a lead towards our investigation. This was beneficial. We would know how to better prepare ourselves when the hunters and the rogues decide to attack us. However, for now, Beau and I kept our investigation between us until we get farther into it.

"That’s not the reason you want Beau instead of me, is it?" I teased, circling around Eli. "You obviously don’t think I’m a challenge."

The first part of our training consisted with working out in our human forms, which most packs do. One thing we try to avoid is our animalistic side dominating our human side. That would lead to many tragedies and deaths.

As Healers, we start with grappling. I remember when I first started training with the Healers. I was pinned down in a second flat. By now, I was stronger and faster.