
Chapter 49: Unwelcome Blessings

Ravyn POV

Her body ached less than her brain as they struggled to find a way to escape.

The stones were still Plan B or C, but they needed something better.

"Too bad we only have a narrow window to escape through if we can get loose," Dane grunted, looking at the circular opening that could barely be called a window.

"We could widen it," Lilia suggested with dark humor. "In about a hundred years."

"Make it twenty. I'm optimistic," Ravyn answered.

"I'd settle for maybe sending a signal to Duffy," Dane said.

Ravyn's eyes widened. "Dane, that's brilliant!"

Lilia beamed. "I could kiss you right now, Dane."

He managed a smile. "Business first, my love. If you and Ravyn combine your powers, you just might be able to accomplish our goal."

Ravyn stared across at Lilia, who was sipping the milk that a servant had brought. "Astral traveling takes too much energy."

Lilia spewed milk all over. "Mother! How can you even think of astral traveling? You really are too optimistic."

"Your mate and I are hopeful." Ravyn felt concern pricking at her.

Lilia had been in worse situations than this and hadn't lost her head.

Was it possible she was right and Lilia was pregnant again?

Lilia sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm obviously not myself."

Dane offered her a comforting smile. "Losing the chains will vastly improve your mood. Now, get started on that spell."

"Maybe we could create a starburst remotely," Lilia suggested.

"Too much energy. But a ball of light might be just the thing," Ravyn commented. "Enchantment of Distant Light?"

"Yes! And make it the blue of Duffy's coat, if at all possible," Lilia requested, perking up.

They both shot faint beams of energy from their fingers, pushing them until they met and collided, forming a marble-sized ball that slowly grew. Ravyn and Lilia chanted, "Though I may be far, let my light shine the way. Though I may not be able to find you, this light sphere will show you the right path. Let the sacred flames of the Goddess Brigid make this light burn in the sky above you as long as I have the strength to cast a spell."

They both made shoving motions with their hands and the ball of light shot out the narrow window, barely squeaking through.

Ravyn kneaded the air with her fingers, and so did Lilia, sealing the spell. Panting, both women slumped down. Dane's dark brows furrowed with worry. "Are you both alright?"

"We're fine," Ravyn said dryly. "Good thing we have nothing planned today."

Lilia and Dane giggled to release the tension. "Other than dreaming of our escape and dragging Melisande back to the Wildefell Witch Council in disgrace," Lilia joked.

Despite her bone-tiredness, and her worry about Jude, Ravyn felt warm all over, and a sense of accomplishment.

Duffy was as tough as the average gnome, and then some. He had a reputation in spy circles for being able to slip into fortresses thought to be impenetrable. Surely, he could find a way to free them from these chains–

The warmth turned to a burning pain that made her writhe and moan in agony.


What was Melisande doing to him?

The bond, which had felt like such a comfort, now let in his torment and suffering. Unbearable. Her poor mate. The rage helped her resist the assault, but only for a moment.

Lilia shrieked, "MOTHER!"

She sent a powerful wave of love and courage, but it hit a wall. Or maybe she was just too weak to help her love, her mate.

"Jude," Ravyn said in a weak voice. "Stop it. Stop hurting him. Do you hear me? In the name of Lilia's unborn child, stop–"

The pain blotted out everything and she, mercifully, blacked out.

* * * * *

Lilia POV


Lilia had never hated being helpless more than now with her mate chained and her mother shackled and unconscious.

She glanced over at Dane, the sweet taste of the milk already forgotten. "The mate bond?"

He nodded, grim. "We should have taken care of Melisande a long time ago. Goddess only knows how Jude is bearing up under her tender mercies."

Lilia imagined strangling Melisande, even though she usually wasn't one to resort to violence. In this case, she'd make an exception–or just let Jude destroy her.

It was all so sickening that the milk she drank and the meal she'd eaten came up in an explosive mess on the cold stone floor.

Dane growled. "I'm so sorry, Lilia."

"Me, too," she muttered, unable even to wipe her chin.

A flutter of heat in her stomach told her that more was at work than a simple upset stomach. Azandra believed she was pregnant.

"Oh, Goddesses," she gasped. "I absolutely CANNOT give birth in this horrible place!"

Dane rattled the chains so hard they protested. "Give birth? To OUR pup? Lilia–why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know," she wailed. "Azandra thought I might be pregnant, and so did Mother."

Because he knew her so well, Dane growled in frustration. "And you thought I'd forbid you from going on this quest? Did I stop you from fighting Hades several times after you were pregnant with our triplets the first time?"

Lilia sighed. "You already had so many other things to worry about, with Father–"

"And this lessens my worry? NEVER keep something so important from me again!" He bared his teeth, looking truly ferocious.

"That does it! I've had enough of these chains."

He leaned down and bit one of his silver chains, grimacing despite the pain and burning.

"You FOOL! Stop! What are you doing?"

It was the most insanely brave thing she'd ever seen, even by Cresta standards. But any of his brothers would do the same. Jiro would probably be worse.

Dane kept gnawing at the chain until the smoke and burning made him stop. He leaned back, his mouth on fire and probably his gums.

"Dane," Lilia said softly.

"I know, I know … it was reckless."

Her eyes burned with tears. "That wasn't what I was going to say. I love you so much."

Dane grinned despite the fright mask that his face had become. He looked even more handsome and more manly despite the awful red marks above his upper lip.

His blue eyes shone. "I love you, too, and I'll show you how much once we're away from this place. The next Cresta is not going to be born in this h*llhole. We're not going to spend one minute longer than we have to."

Ravyn's weak voice reached her ears.

"I'll hold you to that, Dane."

* * * * *

Ravyn POV

Temporarily, she'd blacked out, but Dane's grunts of pain brought her back to consciousness. The foolish, courageous man. He was a true Alpha, and she was so proud to call him her son-in-law.

The tenderness in Lilia's tone and words stirred her determination. These two truly loved each other, and over the past three years, their love had only grown stronger. It taught her about this new love with Jude that she'd taken such a chance on.

Closing her eyes, she sent a flood of urgency through the bond. She hummed a tune from their favorite dwarf opera, hoping that it would invade Jude's mind and play repeatedly. She concentrated all her thoughts on that song. It was a dwarf battle aria sung by the heroine and hero.

"Our mines contain the glories of so much more than gold,

We are pouring out of mountains deep where our helms and arms are stored,

But the power in our hearts is greater than our broadswords,

Dwarf strength is marching on…"

It was silly. She wasn't a wolf … he wasn't in wolf form … they couldn't mind-link.

When they were back in Silverpaw territory, she would ask him to change her into a wolf.

A loud knock on the door made her, Dane, and Lilia look up in expectation. The door creaked open, and Ravyn's heart skipped a beat.

He walked in, unchained. Free!

"JUDE! Thank the Goddess," she cried out with joy.

Lilia's pregnancy was something I thought of early on in the story, because wolves often have big families. When I decided Melisande was going to keep them captive for quite a while, Lilia's pregnancy fit that storyline because now Lilia is afraid for the welfare of her child, and Melisande would absolutely use the pup as leverage.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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