
Chapter 148: Intrigue at the Ball

Ravyn POV

Have Eirika or Jude marry the Orc Prince to his fiancee?

The orc people had been waiting for this wedding for years, due to the indisposed former Queen Durgat's mysterious illness. The Nauru Orcs were a proud and traditional people. Would they really accept their prince being married anywhere but Nauru?

Ravyn beckoned Patch, Jiro, Garnet, Anneliese, and Cyran over. They had spent the most time with Prince Makhel out of all of the Crestas. They were close friends. Patch and Dirge even took credit for bringing Makhel and Kulenza together.

Jiro reached the table without running, his long, lean legs covering ground quickly. "What is it?" he said in a low voice.

Ravyn looked into his turquoise eyes. "How much trouble would be be in with the orcs of we allowed Makhel and Kulenza to quietly marry here in Graywolf City, sanctioned by the pack?"

Jiro had the perfect response. "I won't tell Nauru if you two don't."

Garnet laughed, delighted. "It's perfect. Makhel and Kulenza can get married finally, and the orcs still get their elaborate royal wedding. It seems to me that several shifter couples have taken that route."

As Garnet's point hit home, Ravyn's face turned as hot as a stove. "You make an excellent argument. That's the best solution."

Jude woofed in agreement. 

Brushing his long braided black hair back over his shoulder, Prince Makhel glowed with happiness at the thought of being wed at last to his long-suffering betrothed. "Thank you, Luna Ravyn and Alpha Jude. We are both grateful and honored."

Wise Woman Eirika lifted her head. "Makhel, you and Kulenza are honorary members of the pack. Minus the biting, you cam have the traditional shifter bonding ceremony."

Makhel bared his long, sharp teeth. "We don't mind the bite."

Kulenza snorted in agreement. "We're orcs. Underneath all that control and discipline, we're quite a passionate people."

Ravyn had the sense of stepping into uncharted territory. To grant this honor to non-shifters seemed unprecedented, but it was a private ceremony, and some things didn't need to be on the books. Besides, Eirika had suggested the traditional bonding for Makhel and Kulenza. Everyone knew wise women danced to their own tune. Goddess, they often played the tune for everyone else to follow!

Eirika addressed both of them. "Meet me in my ritual space in the castle after lunch tomorrow. Be ready. You both saw what the bonding ceremony entails. I know orcs have total recall as a rule."

Makhel looked like he were floating with happiness, so unusual for someone so lethal-looking. He brushed Kulenza's elf ears with his fingers. "We remember, don't we, my love?"

Kulenza recited, "From this moment on, I pledge my love, my life, and my soul to you. I promise to be your partner, your protector, and your friend ..."

Makhel beamed. "Isn't she magnificent?"

Jiro patted him on the arm. "She is. We'll be there to witness your ceremony, Makhel."

The engaged and besotted orc couple moved off, and Patch elbowed Anneliese. "That could have been you with Makhel," he said teasingly.

Anneliese rolled her eyes. "Yes, and I'd be kicking myself every day screaming, 'What was I thinking? Give me back my chaotic, rebellious Patch who makes faces that have our children almost helpless with laughter.'" 

They both walked off, blissfully in love. 

Ravyn reached for the cool glass of elf nectar, and found it refreshing as it went down her throat. Jude held her other hand. "Well done," he murmured. "That was your first controversial decision as Luna."

"Ours as Alpha and Luna," she corrected.

A sweet smile spread across her face. "Hardly controversial."

"No, but not exactly common."

He kissed her hand. "Like us."

A warm tingle spread from her fingertips throughout her body to her heart.

"I doubt the orcs would create a diplomatic incident even if they heard," he continued. "They are even more tradition-bound than we are ... on the other hand, shifters are vital allies."

She watched Kelara, Talon, Caden, Aldwin, Florinda, and Alicia chatting as they made their way to the bridal table. "Like the humans."

Jude narrowed his eyes. "Caden seems to be behaving himself. He even gave Aldwin that dagger he's wearing--he must be serious."

"Why?" Ravyn sipped her elf nectar. "He's a bodyguard and former thief--he must have a roomful of daggers."

"Yes, but in the Wolfspeaker Pack, giving someone a dagger is just like giving them flowers," Jude informed her. "Or even a ring."

Ravyn's blonde brows shot up. "Then he's serious. I hope Caden courts him properly."

A dangerous light came into Jude's eyes--and they looked dark golden Almost black and gold. With a hint of red. "He better, or he'll find out who's the boss around here."

She rubbed her eyes, blinking. Jude's eyes looked normal.

Tomorrow, she would get him to the healer. 

* * * * * 

Talon POV

Jude Faolan looked at peace finally. With his mate by his side, how could he not be?

He chatted with the orc royal couple easily. Kelara nudged Talon while sipping elf nectar that the servants passed out. "They'll be married soon, but not before they go through the gate."

He was used to Kelara's pronouncements. "What gate?"

"The one the Mystics of Merkur control. The one that tests all those who want to find their forbidden shrine."

He'd heard of the shrine. "But no one ever goes to the shrine--"

"Patch, Anneliese, Dirge, Cyran, and Tulaska did," Kelara informed him. "They mended Cyran's soul after the Dark Goddess and Hades tried to rip it to shreds. They hurt Tulaska, too, and she needed healing."

He shuddered. "I don't know what was worse--what you just described or the cure that Cyran had to take. My parents--when we were on speaking terms--spoke of the Pallamarok Rite of Soul Fusion. An ordeal that only the strongest survive."

"Clearly, Cyran and Tulaska fit that description," Florinda chimed in, with a look of sympathy. 

"Poor things," Alicia added, watching Cyran holding his daughter Lupi. "It's a miracle Cyran is so well-adjusted now."

Aldwin scratched the back of his neck. "Pallamarok Rite of Soul Fusion? He went through THAT and he's still standing? Much less holding the little kit?"

"PUP," Caden growled. "Foxes and squirrels have kits. We have pups. If you're gong to be my male Luna--"

Hold up.

Talon glared at him. "That hasn't been decided, ALPHA. Remember, you two are still in the courting phase."

Caden bared his teeth. The man looked even rougher, yet also handsomer, than Aldwin did. "Maybe it's because you grew up in the human world. Maybe you're just ignorant. But let me tell you, interfering with pursuing a fated mate--"

"He's part of our house," Florinda snarled. "We belong to both the Crimsontail Shadows Pack and the human kingdom. Tread carefully."

Talon's eyes shifted to their wolf colors. "Mind your manners."

Caden got nose to nose with him. "Make me."

Aldwin's dagger, the very one that Caden had given him, thrust upward between the two men and they both stepped back. Aldwin's gaze danced between them. "None of that! Not at a fancy ball like this. Alpha Caden, NEVER insult the man whom I serve, whose family I protect with my life. Alpha Talon, don't let him goad you. You swallow his bait, you'll end up with your foot in a bear trap."

Kelara gripped Talon's arm. "He's right."

It galled him to have to apologize, but he stared Alpha Caden in the eyes. "My temper got a little overheated."

"Mine, too," Caden admitted, drawing back out of respect for Talon and for the occasion.

Aldwin coughed. "Where's William?"

Caden growled with affection. "Over by the dessert table, trying to keep all the little pups away. That's an Alpha's job right there. They can probably climb up the table."

Talon glanced at the dessert table and chuckled, his heart melting, at the sight of his son trying to coax all the pups away from the sweets. They followed him as he began a game of Follow the Leader.

Aldwin softened. "I suppose it is. I never saw such fierce children before. Even worse than bandit children."

Caden grunted in sympathy. "No environment for a little one, always having to hide and run and fear that your mama and daddy are going to be taken away."

Aldwin shrugged, trying to look stoic. "When you don't know any better, you think it's fine. That every child grows up like this."

Caden huffed. "And your parents tell you that you're living a much more exciting life than children with 'normal' lives."

Ravyn deftly slid into their conversation with her wise observations. "There are a million excuses for bad parenting. With good parenting, you come up with a million reasons why everything that happens to your child is your fault."

Talon bowed, feeling the truth of her words hit him. 

He couldn't even think about his ex, Genevieve, whom he hoped had escaped her abusive marriage that made William's life a living h*ll for years. Goddess, please let her find peace and prosperity in one of the townhouses he secretly gave her when she and Edmund gave up custody of William. He no longer hated her. He was the one who went along with his parents rejecting centuries of Lycan tradition.

Thank the Goddess he found Kelara.

"You speak truly, Luna Ravyn, and that's why your Lilia and all your Cresta sons and daughters are such incredible people," Kelara said, brushing back her braided hair. "I--"

She winced and held her belly. Ravyn flew to her side. "Is it the baby?"

"Just discomfort," Kelara gasped.

Jude also raced to her side. "I think you've had a long day. You should go and rest."

Talon took her arm. "I'll take her to our room."

Kelara shook her head. "No, Aldwin can take me."

Not having any of that, Talon escorted her out of the ballroom. As he did so, she muttered to Talon, "Something is wrong with Jude. I sense ..."


His fingers dug into her arm.

"I sense ... I sense another consciousness inside him."

Oooh! The mystery is slowly being revealed!

The Pallamarok Rite of Soul Fusion is named after the great author and teacher, and a dear friend, Matthew J. Pallamary.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AmandaMaddencreators' thoughts