
+The Alpha's Mate+

Asher Has Moved on from his past. And Now Ever Since He Moved to Sitka In America, A small town with little drama. The Perfect place to forget about his past and move on with his life and finally find his mate and focus on school. Although When it comes to the first day of Year 10 Shit goes south. Dante Meets Asher and Asher Meets Dante. Both of their wolves already Know. A Spark of electricity, A familiar scent both Soon to Find out that Their Mates. Although Asher Keeps his past locked up in a vault not Telling Dante About his Past, not telling Dante That Asher himself is an Alpha. Soon To know When everything uncovers and Asher's Past Catches up to him. 2 packs are endangered. 2 Alpha's are Pressured to make a decision. What Will it be?

0Life · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 8.

Asher POV.

Loud gasps, Silent wide eyes. an Awkward silence filled the hallway. I could see Dante behind me I felt his arm slide around my waste protectively, I sent out a warning growl He Immediately put his hands up in surrender taking a step back. I looked back to my friends. They were frozen like they drifted of to another world.

Then The siren went. My friends all came back to reality. I rolled my eyes and started to walk off.

"I'll See you guys after class" I said after walking to my first class. People walked into the Class, Gathered into there seats. I sat by the window while my head rested on my hand as I gazed out of the window.

The teacher talked I tuned my head towards the front of the classroom as the roll was called. Names went by. People passing notes went by. The whispers that passed around the room were faint. "Asher." My name was called. all eyes turned to me I replied with a "Here" Confident but inside my anxiety was creeping up. Those eyes turned away and looked at the next person called.

After the roll was called and cleared. The Teacher Began to start his lesson. All attention on him.

"All right class Note books, Text books out. Turn to page 234 on Non-Linear Relationships. Chapter 9.3..." the teacher continued on. I got out my math note book, text book. "Now Read through the chapter. then complete the questions 1- 22. I expect you to answer them all by the end of the Period" the class groaned and the teacher just sat at his desk and opened up a late newspaper.


(( Time Skip to the next lesson)).

((Warning Sexual Assault up ahead. If you wish not read then skip until its done))

I was Walking to my next class. Until I was pulled into a dark room and pinned to the wall. warm soft lips were pressed against mine. I dropped my books to the ground and slid my hands up onto the the persons chest and pushed them away. I then rolled around and turned the light on to find Josh. I let out a steady breath with wide eyes. "What the fuck Josh!" I said with anger I looked at him only a few bandages. he took a steady step forward towards me "What's do u mean what the fuck?.. I thought you'd be happy to see me." He said with a sad tone, "Josh.. I did miss you.. but we can't be together". He looked at me with sadness he shook his head angrily and looked at me once more but the sadness was gone. it was all anger now.

His eyes glowed a bright colour, a mix of determination and frustration. A small smirk spread across his face as if he was a villain of the story. "No no no... Poor sweet little Asher. Do really think anyone else would want you?" He chuckled out in a Insane tone My eyes were frozen in shock as I tried to make my way to the door. I made a dash for the door but before I could reach the handle I felt the back of my shirt was tugged at. "Now now Asher where do you think your going?" He said as he locked the door and pinned me against the wall again. My wrists were held tightly and I flinched in pain. I let out a low growl as I sent a death glare at josh that was before Josh's other hand slapped my face harshly. He then slammed his lips onto mine and slid his other hand under my shirt. He started to abuse my stomach and chest by clawing and grazing his nails into my skin until blood drew.

((Sexual Assault over. sorry I don't like writing that stuff))

I let out a whimper as tears threaten to fall. My wolf was growling within deep inside and was clawering to come out and bite his head off. I eventually found the strength to kick his legs and run my fastest as tears streamed down my face. I jumped through the window of the door and started to run down the hall as I could hear Josh Yelling after me.

I turned my head back to see how far he was or how close he was. "ASHER WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK UR GOING?" Josh yelled furiously catching up to me. Knowing I wasn't looking were I was going I bumped into a taller figure. I looked up to see Dante My tears were streaming down my face as a waterfall. he looked at me shocked to see my shirt covered in blood and small rips and my wrists bruised from Josh's grip from before, my eyes were red and puffy as small sniffles were made I could feel the dizzy ness taking over but right before I passed out I whispered softly to Dante as I could faintly here josh yelling.

"Help me..."

And then Everything went black.