
+The Alpha's Mate+

Asher Has Moved on from his past. And Now Ever Since He Moved to Sitka In America, A small town with little drama. The Perfect place to forget about his past and move on with his life and finally find his mate and focus on school. Although When it comes to the first day of Year 10 Shit goes south. Dante Meets Asher and Asher Meets Dante. Both of their wolves already Know. A Spark of electricity, A familiar scent both Soon to Find out that Their Mates. Although Asher Keeps his past locked up in a vault not Telling Dante About his Past, not telling Dante That Asher himself is an Alpha. Soon To know When everything uncovers and Asher's Past Catches up to him. 2 packs are endangered. 2 Alpha's are Pressured to make a decision. What Will it be?

0Life · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5.

Dante POV

The last thing I ever saw was Asher dodging my punch and swiftly grabbing my arm and slamming me into the ground. And then Blackness. The darkness took over me. I tried to open my eyes to see what was happening. but it was like they were glued shut. and my hearing didn't pick up anything. It was like I was completely deaf.

I was walking around in my head as my inner wolf was following me. All thoughts were running around inside me. The deep thoughts were like chaotic waves during a storm out in the open sea. I kneeled down to look at my reflection. "What Happened?" I say to my self. From a kneel to now hugging my legs close to my chest. "Asher defeated you within 3 minutes." My inner wolf said sitting in front of me. I lifted my head to meet my wolf's eyes. "how?" I asked him, my wolf was wise and observant and very intelligent. He always had a answer for everything. Like he already knew what I might ask. He looked at me dead straight in the eyes. "Well a mate is normally stronger then there partner... Didn't you figure it out?" He said. It suddenly all clicked together. The electricity the warmth. everything that has happened during the day. all the connections that were made.

My eyes were wide. without a second there was a smile one my face. Finally I have found my mate.. I thought. but then I realised that he had a hatred for me now. after what I did to Josh in the cafeteria. "Don't even have that thought." My wolf said to me. "Our mate will still want us until they find out." He stopped before continuing "No doubt he's probably figured it out already" He said looking up at the light that was starting to make its way through the darkness of my mind. "Well time to go Dante.. Our Mate awaits..." Was the last thing my wolf said to me before my eyes fluttered open to beaming lights.


Asher POV

After running in forest for and hour or 2. I began to make my way back to my home. 'Wowwwww Asher nice going.' My wolf chimed in. 'Oh shut it drift.' I replied to my wolf. Drift was his name, the name of my inner wolf. 'Ouch so rude-' Drift complained. I rolled my eyes as I made it to the front door. I looked around to see if anyone was around. I shifted back into my human form. I grabbed the key that was underneath the pot plant to my right and unlocked the door.

A moment later I was in my white Champion hoodie and a pair of shorts. 'Soooo-' Drift began to annoy. 'What now drift?' I asked him through the bond, "Hmm.. Better message Emily and tell her I'm alright.." I mumbled out loud. I went to go reach for my phone when I realised I had left it at school in my bad which was in my locker. "For crying out loud." I said annoyed banging my head on the wall. I could here drift giggling in the back of my head. "Oh shut up Drift.. I'll just use the mind link instead.' I said back at him 'Ohhhhhhh yea we have that don't we.' He replied in a childish sarcastic-ish tone. I rolled my eyes in the back of the head and then focused my thoughts onto the mind link.

'Hey Emily you there?' I asked. 'Oh I'm here alright.. and you my boy have some explaining to do..' she growled back. 'Yea but before we go to that do you mind grabbing my phone that's in my bag in my locker.' I say. 'Fine.. I'll get them for you.. but you will explain things when I get home' She said I let out a small sigh. 'I understand see you soon' was the last thing said through the mind link. 'well what shall we do now?' Drift asked in the back of my head. Yet again I ignored him. 'Hmm changing subject what do you think about Dante' I asked drift, while wondering around into the lounge room. 'I'm surprised either of you haven't noticed yet..' Drift said amused. 'Notice what? that he's a huge asshole?' I shoot back at him.

Silence was the only answer until 5 mins later. 'Well that's true but didn't you feel the connection? and the sparks?.. You know exactly what I mean from this.' Drift shot back with a growl 'Crap..' I muttered through the link. 'He already knows doesn't he?' I asked. 'Yes he already does' Drift said happily while I started to pace back and forward.

'So I've finally met my mate... and yet he is a asshole..' I thought.

'The universe really does hat me eh?' I said thinking and stopping in my place. I looked at the ceiling and sighed. I layed myself down on the fluffy carpet and continued to zone out into deep thought.