
You Live Here Now Pt. 1

Aláine's Point of View

Utter exhaustion and emotionally depleted was all I felt right now. So many questions ran through my mind. On the one hand, it was convenient that I was to stay with Kristof, but he seemed genuine, not that I had much experience with males. Actually... no experience in the sex department and hardly any more in the dating department. But I was not going to dwell on that.

He said he would let Zara stay here for a while, and I was certainly happy about that. I was surrounded by mostly male werewolves and needed my best friend here to keep things real. Things were moving extremely fast with Kristof, and I relied upon Zara for her excellent advice.

It suddenly occurred that Noah and the other man were conveniently there when I needed help. I was not entirely suspicious of them, or their motives, but I just thought I needed this clearing up.

"Why were Noah and the other man following me?" I asked Kristof.