
Second Date Pt. 1

Aláine's Point of View

Later that afternoon, I was sitting reading. Zara was off with Noah, and Kristof had been out on business. I wondered what I would be doing once I was a werewolf and Luna. Was I going to be spending a lot of time sitting doing nothing, or would I have some form of work that kept me occupied and fulfilled? Would I have to give up work?

"Aláine! Where are you?" called Kristof.

I came running.

"Is everything all right?" I asked.

Kristof smiled in his seductive way and crooked his index finger.

I walked right up to him, smiling back at him, "You called?"

Kristof grabbed me and sunk his nose into my neck, breathing in my natural scent. He said I smell of sweet blossoms. It was a sweet scent that only I, his mate had. His was the smell of grass after the rain. I had looked on the internet to find out that the scent was called petrichor. What a nerd I was.

"Follow me," he said as he led me upstairs to the bedroom.