
It Has Begun

Viktor's Point of View

It was dark now, and the full moon would be coming out soon. Then it would be time for Aláine to shift for the first time. While waiting for that, I sat in my office trying to work on the pack finances. To be honest, I was not particularly good at it, so I was not getting very far with it. I really need to turn an accountant, someone who would be very useful to the pack.

I could hear the men shouting at the television, which meant they were in the lounge watching sports and probably drinking. I didn't begrudge their downtime, but we would need to consider maintaining defence and protocol at some stage. So much to arrange and do and not a lot of decent help.


Aláine was screaming. Her shifting had begun. I ran upstairs as quickly as possible, so I could be with her at this most precious time. It was also her most vulnerable time, and I intended to take advantage of her and make the most of the situation as possible.