
Fighting Back

Aláine's Point of View

Finally, after what seemed like hours, I shifted into my Lycan form. I had never been in that much pain before and hoped it would get easier on subsequent shifts. To make matters worse, I was stuck here with Viktor and his men.

Viktor was responsible for taking me away from Kristof, and when I changed, my Lycan knew this. Both wolf and Lycan were angry as hell and wanted his blood. I wasn't going to argue with either of them. If they happened to kill Viktor, then I could deal with it.

When I finally shifted into my Lycan, Viktor also shifted and proceeded to tell me, "Come to me, my love. Let us be mated forever."

That was just the wrong thing to say to my wolfy pair. Their rage filtered through, and it added to mine. I was totally enraged now and showed him my sharp new teeth.

"You are not my mate!" I snarled at him.

I started stalking him with intent.

"You are not my mate!" I roared at him again. "Tonight, you die!"