
A Better Option

Aláine's Point of View

When that arsehole trafficker, Sunny Chan, grabbed me, I was scared. That pissed me off because after turning, I managed to scare Viktor. I shouldn't have been scared of a stupid human, but I was, and I know for a fact that Kristof would have felt it. I felt his anger in response to it.

I smelt and heard Samson as he snuck into the interrogation room. As soon as he grappled Sunny, I made my move to get out of his hold. Luckily it wasn't hard. I could have gotten out of it, but then I didn't want to show how strong I actually was. Grrr. How the hell do werewolves figure this shit out?

Before walking out of the room, I told the detective I was finished here. He just nodded. Even the lawyer managed to look contrite. So he should. After this, it would be hard for his client to come out of this without some form of penalty. Maybe if he does, I could do something about it.