
Chapter 27 : Preparation


Even though I fell asleep late last night, I wake up while it’s still dark outside. I can’t fall back asleep, so I get out of bed and stretch. Shane had said today is going to be a busy day as he prepares for the move, and after what he did for me during the council meeting, I want to help. I dress in a black shirt and black pants. Tanya gave me a pair of comfortable work shoes that are my size.

I walk downstairs, and I’m shocked to see that the house is a flurry of activity, even though it’s early in the morning. In the kitchen, Tanya is stirring a big pot of oatmeal. She fixes me a bowl, and I pour a glass of water. I sit down to eat. While I’m in the middle of the meal, Shane walks in with a long piece of parchment. His blonde hair is messy, and he has dark circles under his eyes. When Shane sees me, he sits down at the table.