


Damon's P O V

Getting into his room I'm met with Matthew roaming carelessly into a servant's back.

He stopped once he noticed me.

"Get out." I groaned at the slutty servant and she immediately ran out with her pant.

"Ah, you spoiled the fun. What is it now?" Matthew asked grumpily.

"You do that with the servants too. There are better girls for you to do that with, why a lowlife?" I stared at him sternly, letting him know how serious I am.

"Well, watching that performance, you know what it does to me and I can't go out this late. I took a servant and not a slave man. They are better."

I shook my head in disgust. "You are my Beta, Matthew. Learn to behave like one." I scolded.

"Yeah, whatever but you didn't come here to catch me having fun, did you? Why did you come here?"

"About the mango..."

"She must be your mate, Damon. Go for her." He interrupted and said while zipping up.

"Interrupt me again and I'll make sure you don't make use of that thing in between your legs." I stared at him deadpan.

"Okay, I don't want you losing your temper. Please go on your Highness." I think he now understands the importance of the situation, he behaves like an unreasonable jerk sometimes.

"I met the girl with the mango scent, she's a maid but she is not my mate. I just don't understand why I can't forget her scent, I keep perceiving it and strangely, I love it. I need to get that scent out of my head as soon as possible."

"You said she is not your mate? That means you and Davin don't feel any connection towards her?" He probed.

"Exactly, it's just the scent." I nodded.

He thought for a while before smiling.

"Maybe you like her. I think you are just attracted to her. Tell me, what's her position? Is she an Alpha, a Beta, or what?"

"I don't know. She doesn't smell like anything I've come across, she smells almost human." I sighed and went to have a sit.

"Almost human? Woah, that is a big problem then. How can a wolf not smell like one but like a human? I'll get her interrogated, she might be a witch for all I know...."

"No, don't do that. Do not do anything to her without my permission." I warned and watched as he swallowed down his words.

"I don't even know what she looks like yet, so I can't do a thing to her," Matthew muttered staring at me strangely.

"Well, I think you are just attracted to her. Maybe you should have sex just once with her, it might make you forget about her." Matthew suggested.

"No, never. Do you even hear yourself? How do you expect me to lay down with a servant? What will happen if the king and queen learn of it? Will you take the responsibility that will follow?" I groaned out the words.

"I'm sorry, maybe you should just send her away then. I don't have other suggestions." He mumbled before going to sit down.

Aria's POV

"What happened? You came back alive, I thought he was going to kill you with the way he stared so intensely at you." Lara said coming towards me.

"I'm still shocked by the event that just happened. I...I don't understand anything, I don't understand anything anymore."

"He let you go?" Lara questioned.

"He didn't say a word to me, Lara. After asking me to look up at him. He just left, he walked past me and disappeared." I explained with my heart beating fast.

"Really? He didn't say a word, just stared at you." Lara stared at me with a confused look for a minute.

"Um, I'm coming. Let me get you a glass of water, I think you..you need it." She left and came back a few minutes later with a glass of water.

After drinking the water, I fell asleep and didn't have the usual nightmare I do have. I woke up the next morning looking like a ghost.

I slept all through without waking up, why am I looking like a ghost suddenly? I don't understand.

"Morning duty. Come out of your rooms." A female voice announced loudly.

"Let's go, wash your face. It's our first day." Lara urged, I left the mirror I was staring at and washed my face inside the small bathroom there.

I came out and met her waiting patiently for me. We left the room and joined the other maids as we were all led out to the garden.

"So, I want to use this opportunity to speak to the newcomers. Don't ever try something stupid like the one that happened last night." The woman in front of us started.

I fiddled with my fingers knowing who she was referring to. I hope no one remembers my face.

"You are quite lucky the prince was in a better mood yesterday, this has never happened before. He has never spared a servant that offended him, he either has the person killed, flogged, or become one of the slaves. That girl was really lucky, thank the moon goddess that your life is still intact." The woman said.

I let out a deep breath of relief. Moon Goddess, I'm glad he didn't make me a slave or even kill me. I can't stand the shame of being naked and dancing in front of people or even having s... No. Let's not think about that.

"Divide yourselves into ten groups, the last group should clean the hallway along the west wing. And be careful, observe the rules or you'll lose your life." She warned before dismissing us.

We got divided into groups as she said and I was among the people to clean the west wing hallway.

The people assigned to me look a bit frightened. It's like they don't want to go there at all but have no choice.

"Let's go." One of the girls said and we followed her.

Getting to the west wing, the girl that seems to be the leader of our group started arranging us, she posted different girls in front of different doors and there was one door that was a bit far from the rest. I saw her staring at the door, she stared at the door for a while before turning to me.

"Go there, clean that area." She instructed and I obeyed. I noticed the other maids stop to stare at me as I made my way there then started cleaning.

It didn't take long before the door opened, I instantly stopped and waited for the person to come out.

A guy, who has the scent and aura of a Beta walked out.

"What are you doing?" He asked staring down at me like I'm carrying a weapon.

"No... nothing much, I was only cleaning." I explained.

"And who permitted you to clean here? You don't know that you are supposed to ask for permission first?" He barked frightening me.

"I don't know...I don't know, I just arrived here yesterday." I pleaded.

He scoffed and made to continue speaking when the door opened again and the person I least expected to see came out.

It's the crown prince.

Oh, moon goddess! I didn't notice that he was the one on time and stared at his face which made our eyes lock. I looked down immediately before hanging my head low in respect.

"What is going on?" The question was directed to his Beta.

"She didn't ask for your permission, your Highness," his Beta explained.

He didn't say a word again, he opened the door and got back into the room.

"Hey, come and wipe inside. Come inside," his Beta suddenly said, not using the same hard tone as before.

I looked towards the side where the other maids were cleaning but didn't find a single person there. Where did they all go to?

They were just there before Beta came out. Did..did they run away? Did they leave me here alone? No wonder they looked frightened, they know cleaning here isn't easy.

Damn, how can it be easy when it's the crown prince wing?

"Oh, okay." I nodded and he stepped out of the way. I walked into the room but discovered that it was an office.

"Wipe everything clean, wipe the dust-out." The Beta spoke up again.

I can see the crown prince sitting with his back towards us. He is facing the window and didn't even spare me a glance.

That's perfect, I want him to remain that way till I'm done cleaning.

I started wiping the whole place carefully, making sure that I don't make a mistake.

I cleaned the whole place and even the big table where papers were littered on.

I don't know, his Beta kept watching me as I cleaned everywhere up. The crown prince didn't turn to look at me once.

The only thing remaining to be wiped clean is the chair he is sitting on but I dare not do that. I dare not go close to him except I want a death sentence.

"I'm done sir," I turned towards the Beta and said.

"Really? But it's remaining that chair. Or are you gonna do only half cleaning?" He rose his brows as he stared at me.

"But...but..." I stuttered.

"But what? You can't clean there?" He cuts in.

"He...your Highness," I tried saying again.

"He won't mind. Wipe there carefully, just make sure you don't touch him as only touching him will get you killed." He smiled as he said those words.

Wait, he is smiling while talking about death? He is scaring me.

I dragged my legs to where he was sitting and squatted down carefully beside him then started wiping the leg of the chair.

The door busted open and a guy about their age walked in.

"Bro," he called out.

"We are supposed to go to the royal club this night." He said staring at the Beta.

"It's up to Damon. Ask him," the Beta answered.

"Dam, aren't you going? It's been so long since I..." He walked towards us and on seeing me flinched back, making me flinch with him.

Why is he scared? I was now nervous. I am in a room with three grown men, three powerful men. Moon goddess, this is too much for me to handle.

"Wait..is that a maid? What is she doing?" The frightened one yelled.

"She's cleaning as you can see Dave. She's cleaning." The Beta responded.

"Um..okay," a minute silence followed. I noticed the two men staring at me and after a while, the Dave guy spoke up again.

"Let's go, Damon, please." Dave stood in front of us and pleaded.

"Yes, let's go. It's been so long." I finally hear the crown prince voice out.

He stood up, stepping on my hand for a second before walking away.

Ah, what was that? Why did he step on me? I thought as I winced.

The three of them then walked out of the room, leaving me staring at the door.

Such arrogant people. I get that I offended him last night, but should he step on me? He is indeed mean. I frowned as I carelessly cleaned the arm of the chair before walking out of the office.

Getting down the stairs, I saw maids looking up at me and whispering something to themselves.

What is it? What is going on? I wondered. Why are they all staring at me like that?

I walked past them and to the kitchen to see if there is anything left to do.

I felt a grip on my shoulder and turned to see who it was.

"Lara," I called exhaling loudly.

"What am I hearing? You met with the crown prince and even cleaned his office?" She questioned.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"And he didn't do a thing to you?" She asked again.

"Yes, I even had eye contact with him, it was only for a second tho but he didn't utter a word about it," I whispered into her ear.

She watched me for a minute before suddenly smiling.

"Good for you. Good." She tapped my shoulder then turned back and left the kitchen.

Did she smile, her smile seems suspicious? What's up with her?