

Esther walked through the packed crowd, a cloak above her head in Night bliss town.

She'd told Alpha Killian a false message because she foresaw that he was going to betray her and out of all things, betrayal didn't sit well with her, so she plotted against him— It didn't take a lot of effort actually.

All she had to do was lie sternly and he easily bought her words.

She didn't expect him to buy her words. How could he have thought that drinking Alexander's blood would give him powers? That was just ridiculous.

Alpha Killian got what he deserved.

Esther didn't feel bad about his death at all. In order to live in the world, one would either choose to kill or be killed. She preferred the latter. Ever since she discovered that the people she thought were her family wanted her dead, her entire world changed and so did she.

When she was thrown down the cliff by her so-called family friend, she had hit a rock and she smelt death.