
Chapter twenty two: overcoming


"Yes, my love?"

"How do we help the others overcome their prejudices and biases?"

"I don't know exactly,my lovr.Not yet anyway.But we will figure it out. "

"I hope so."

Cynthia sat against Conrad's chest.His arms were securing wrapped around her. He hated to let her out of his sight. He had had a terrible nightmare last night and he was still effected.

Cynthia felt something off about him today but he would not share, if there was anything wrong. Cynthia just sighed internally.

Timothy knocked on the door to the office. "Alpha,Luna there is word out that members of the Silver Moon pack have been sneaking around our borders. Cecile sniffed them out. She escaped from there about 20 years ago and swears she would never forget how that Delta smelled. She is definite it is him for some reason."

Conrad tightened his grip on Cynthia and asked Timothy, his Gamma and Cynthia's guard, to bring Cecile to them now.

Cynthia swallowed hard and began to shake a little bit in Conrad's arms. "It's okay,my love. That pack cannot hurt you now. You are mine and I will protect you as will this pack. With our lives if necessary."

Cynthia shook her head no... "Conrad,no! I refuse to put any of you at risk for me. I hate the Silver Moon pack...every member is cruel and vicious. They guve our kind a bad name. And yes, I am afraid to some degree of the Alpha and his Father. They are most cruel. BUT I am not the frightened little girl or young woman I was. I will not allow them to harm anyone here!"

"That's my Queen!" Conrad hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead affectionately.

Cynthia left Conrad's side to get lunch for the two of them. She entered the kitchen and began tomake sandwiches when a noise outside the back door caught her attention. She went to the door and surveyed the back lawn. Nothing. "Odd." she thought. She turned back into the kitchen when her arm was caught by a large male hand with claws. She felt fear first then tremendous anger."Who dares..." She looked and saw Simeon,Beta of the Silver Moon pack staring at her. Simeon had helped her escape but noone but the two of themknew that.

"Shhh. You must be careful. He knows where you are and who you are. And he wants you still...perhaps mow than ever."

"Why do you tell me this? Is he not your Alpha?"

"He is but he is crazed. Since you left he has been insane, destructive and obsessed with finding you. I came ahead to warn you...you are mated?"

"Yes." was all Cynthia replies. Simeon did not need to know anymore aa it would be dangerous for him to know more.

"I heard yournqords.Now leave and quickly. I don't fear your Alpha but you should fear mine."

Simeon let go of her arm. Nodded his agreement and fled.

Cynthia had a bemused smile ... "Cynthia, my love, what is so amusing?" Conrad approached. "Blake is near."

"How do you know?"

"Simeon, his second in command, just left here." She said it so casually as if he was just friend who stopped by.

Conrad flared immediately. His eyes darted around the room.

"He has gone."

"What did he want?"

"He was warning me about his Alpha coming to get me." Cynthia said nonchalantly and she walked out the kitchen door into the dining area with their sandwiches. Conrad followed her.

"You seem chilled. He just told you Blake is coming for you." He knitted his eyebrows together.

"Why should I worry about him. That Alpha is nothing compared to MY Alpha! Is he not?" Cynthia smirked. "Oh my love,you finally have overcome! " Conrad grabbed her and sat her on his lap.

"I do not fear that abusive sicko. When I saw Simeon I knew I no longer feared any of them in that pack." She kissed Conrad's cheek.

"My love , why did the Beta come to warn you? Is he not loyal to his Alpha?"Conrad saidsomewhat menacing (there is nothing an Alpha hates worse than disloyalty of any form to any Alpha).

"Conrad, I...I did not escape without help."

"Tellme, if you will what happened."

Cynthia had never spoken of how she managed to escape. She cuddled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Cynthia began...


"NO!" Cynthia's blood curdling scream was heard throughout the pack territory. Simeon sat in his room trying to NOT hear her screams. Night after night, week after week, month after month now year after year her screams could be heard. It kept the pack up most nights.No one could ever forget the screams. The only nights anyone really slept were the rare nights Alpha Blake was away from the pack. And still she has never transformed. Simeon wondered when Alpha Blake would finally realize Cynthia had no wolf! Then her scream changed. It changed in pitch,volume and it was worse than blood curdling. It was bone shattering. Alpha Blake had allowed the damn hunter full rights to do whatever to her except rape. He could not have her sexualky. When she transformed and showed her true wolf form Blake alone would have her. Blake knew the hunter understood the rule...one rule. So Blake had not paid any more attention to what went on until THAT scream. Simeon and Blake both tore out of the packhouse at full speed. They were at the cage in seconds with their speed. There was that damnable hunter ripping off Cynthiaxs clothes and touching her breasts. "Damn you! I will get your damn wolf out! She will.show herself now!" He was preparing to take her for himself.Blake tore into the cage and grabbed the hunter. Simeon darted towards Cynthia snatching her bloodied body up and raced to the pack infirmary. He had been wanting to get her there for months now as the hunter had grown weary and frustrated and had taken more and more torture techniques to her body. Blake beat and threw the hunter around the cage. He finally killed him. Panting and covered in blood his eyes black as his beast had taken over 100%. He was crazed. He was no longer Blake at all. His wolf had become insane and left over the cage chain linked walls and ran.

Simeon laid Cynthia on his bed and as he did the pack doctor rushed in. They closed and locked the door to Simeon's room just in case. The pack doctor, Reece, turned to Simeon, "It's about time someone got her out of there! How shebhas managed to survive til now is beyond me." "Yeah. So, how is she?"

"Nearly dead. I don't know..." Just then Simeon and Reece saw a miracle. Cynthia glowed and healed right before their eyes. She then sat up fully conscious and said,"Thank you!" Simeon looked at Reece and Reece looked at Simeon. "Ummm,Beta, get her OUT of here NOW! Before the Alpha returns!"

"Yeah." Simeon turned to Cynthia,"How do you feel?"

"I am tired, sore and not sure honestly."

"Can you run?" Simeon asked.

"I don't know."

"You have to try. Or... or... you will be dead when the Alpha returns." Simeon gathered a small difflebag, placed medical.supplies,water, three changes of clothes and a small blanket in it.Gave it to Cynthia and after she dressed in fresh clothes (his actially) he took her by car to the pack border (the opposite direction from where the Alpha had taken off into the woods). He said,"Run! Run and never look back! Go!" He got back in the car and drove back to the pack house. The Alpha had not returned yet and Dr. Reece had returned to the pack infirmary and his desk. Both acted as if nothing happened. It was two full days before Alpha Blake returned. He barged into the pack house and demanded, "Where is she?!"

Simeon took a deep breath, "Gone. She just disappeared."