
Chapter twenty three: a new start

Cynthia turned to look into Conrad's eyes. There were tears running down his face. "I am so sorry, my love.I am so sorry!"

"No.It is okay now. I shared only to.tell you it was the Beta of the Silver Moon pack who saved me and let me.esxape that place.Without his help I would be dead or worse, still there being tortured. I owe Beta Simeon my life. I cannot hurt him. We cannot hurt him. He came.to warn me because he is not wanting me.tonreturn to that he'll. It was an embarassment to their whole pack what was done to me."

Conrad snuggled into her neck and inhaled to calm himself.He wanted to destroy the entire pack.That was his original plan. After hearing Cynthia's story of escape he began to rethink his plan. His beautiful mate would not want the entire pack to suffer; he knew that now. But that Alpha needed to be held accountable for what he did.Conrad would see to that!

Just as they were settling down after those high emotions, a loud popping noise was heard outside the pack house. Simon dragged Simeon into the office and threw him on the floor of the office.

Simeon was bleeding from his shoulder. "What's this?" Conrad said pulling Cynthia behind him protectively. "I caught him outside the pack house sneaking around. He is..."

Cynthia stepped around Conrad,"I know who he is. Hello, Simeon.c She smiled at him as he lay there on the floor. "Hello Luna Queen Cynthia."

"You KNOW this man!? You KNOW WHO HE IS?!" Simon bellowed. Conrad raised his eyebrow at his Beta. "We do." Cynthia stepped forward towards Simeon, Simon stepped betwwwn them."He is the Beta of that damnable.pack that tortured you,my Queen!"

"I am aware. Do you think I have amnesia?" Cynthia said flatly. She wove around Simon and held out her hand to Simeon, "Rise, my rescuer and friend."

BOTH Conrad and Simon looked shocked by her words. Sure, Conrad knew the story but really, "rescuer and friend??" Simeon bowed his head and only rose halfway, staying on one bended knee in respect for both Conrad and Cynthia. "I do not deserve either title,my Queen as I did nothing for so long allowing you to suffer so." He looked up andnteara ran down his face. Conrad blinked astounded by what he saw before him.

Cynthia asked the Beta fro.her former pack to once again rise. He did but kept his head bowed. "It was not you who ever harmed me. It was you who at the first sign of possible escape grabbed me, took me to your own room, called a Dr and then provided for my escape. Without you I would be dead or still being tortured. I saw the pain in your own face many times when you came to give me food and water when no one else.would dare. Thank you." Cynthia smiled at Simeon. Conrad extended his hand out to the injured man and shook his hand. "My thanks. My love would not have ever been found without your kindness and act of conscience."

Simeon broke down sobbing. Forgiveness is what he had hoped to ask for and before he even could.ask he was met with more than he ever xould.have dreamed...before him were two who had every right to hate him and heap piles of anger on him and yet they stood with grace and gratitude before him. Simeon had not ever in his life experienced such magnanimous behavior and.itnwas directed at him, for him. This evening his life was changed. He would devote the rest of his life to serving this King and Queen. He would leave behind his former life. He was overwhelmed. Truly these people before him were worthy to be all supernaturals' King and Queen.

"I, Simeon, Beta of the Silver Moon pack do hereby renounce all loyalty and ties to said pack and hereby swear my life to the service and protection of Luna and Queen Cynthia and Alpha and King Conrad." Just then lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rolled as if nature herself confirmed the oath.

It was a new start for Simeon.


'Hell hath no fury..." as an Alpha losing his Beta! The pack members of Silver Moon thought their Alpha was upset over the loss of the girl, Cynthia BUT it was nothing compared to the loss of the Beta,Simeon. Blake truly went insane as he felt the pack connection with Simeon,his Beta and former best friend. The break was painful and left Blake feeling empty. The pack itself felt Simeon renounce his connection. It was very disconcerting.

"What the hell?" Blake screamed as he tore apart the gym. He had been working out with a few of his warriors when he felt that break...when they all felt the break. He threw weights,punching bags, hit the walls with his fists. The warriors fled for their lives.

Blake was totally out of control.The pack Dr. was called by the warriors to come sedate their Alpha before he killed someone or himself.

"How on earth do you expect me to do that!?" the Dr said. "No one can get near him!" He turned to the Luna and asked her to go to him and calm him down. "No way! I can't calm him down!"

"What? You are his mate!"

"Nope. I am not his mate.I am just his sex toy. He rejected his mate years ago. If I try he will kill me!"

"Oh great! Why did none of us know you weren't his mate! Who the hell rejects his own mate?"

"Alpha said he didn't want a mate. He said they weakened an Alpha. He just wanted a sex toy."

"Doc, what are we going to do?"

Just then the group heard books hitting the walls.of the office. The Dr. said, "Shoot him with a tranquilizer."

"What?! No way!We can't even get a shot off without him seeing us and when he wakes we are all dead!"

"Then we leave him and clear out of his way."

The Dr. walked back to his infirmary and began packing his bags. He was definitely leaving and within the hour.No way was he waiting for Alpha Blake to calm down enough to leave the office or packhouse. Why? Because he'll would break loose.for everyone else and he wasn't in the mood to put wolves back together because their Alpha was out of control. He finished backing his car in under 15 minutes. got behind the wheel and drove out the front gate. He broke the pack bond and drove like a bat out of Hades til his car showed he needed gas about 400 miles later.

Blake howled in pain as he felt another member of his pack break the bond. Then. few minutes later he felt.10 more bonds break. His pack was abandoning him. Blake was now not only enraged but in great pain. He stood quickly to sprint across the office but as he rose up he passed out. Darkness came and the silence was met by the pack members with relief.