
Chapter twenty four: coming for you

After a full night's sleep, Simeon woke refreshed. He had not had a goodnightxs sleep in...well...a long time. He grabbed a shower, got dressed and went to breakfast in the pack dining room. Conrad was just sitting down next to Cynthia as Simeon was picking up his plate. He filled his plate with delicious breakfast foods and went to an empty table. Conrad rose, walked over to Simeon and invited him to eat with them.

Simeon was taken aback. "Alpha, sir, I do not wish to impose."

"It's not imposition.I invited you." Conrad smiled and grabbed Simeon's plate and walked over to his table. He placed the plate down and pointed to a chair. Simeon felt awkward but took the chair and sat down.

Cynthia looked up from her plate and smiled. Simeon was dumbfounded. Here were the King and Queen of all Supernaturals with more power in their pinkie than all the beings put together in this room being humble, inviting and kind to the likes of him.

"Ma'am, I...I..." Simeon was stutturing.

Conrad touched his arm and encouraged him to just relax and eat. Simeon did just that. All ate quietly and peacefully.

Once breakfast was iver,over, stood pulling Cynthia into his side and announced, "I am sure we all felt the arrival of our newest pack member. He will be joining us in training this morning. Welcome him." Conrad turned, nodded his head at Simeon and turned with Cynthia to leave.


"Yes,my love?"

"Do you trust him?"

"It does not matter if I trust him. You do." He smiled. Cynthia returned the smile and said quietly (almost a whisper), "Thank you, my dear."

Simeon jogged down the hall to catch the two Royals. "Ma'am, Sir!"

The two stopped and turned to look at Simeon. "Yes." they said together.

"He is coming. He is coming for you, Luna." He stopped right before them, bowed his head and waited.

"We know." Conrad spoke first.

"He will have you or no one will. He is crazy!" Conrad growled and pulled Cynthia into him tightly.

"No. He will not ever touch me, Simeon. Never." Cynthia spoke with confidence, not arrogance but certainty.

Simeon was stunned, "You do not know how insane he is. He has sworn to find you and make you his. He knows your wolf has awakened and he wants you even more."

A loud, aggressive growl was heard. It reviboratdd throughout the house. "No one will touch what is MINE! " Conrad roared. Simeon shook and fell to his knees. Cynthia t urged and looked lovingly at Conrad, rubbed his forearm and smiled sweetly. Then she winked. "No one."

The two continued down the hall arm in arm.

Simeon was dumbfounded. Cynthia exuded power, aa did her mate. He knew his former friend and aloha didn't stand a chance against them, unless he got the hunters involved again. Would he?

Conrad suddenly was before Simeon.

"Tell me you know. know.Tell me.what you suspect!? I must be prepared. She is my love,my life."

Simeon shook his head in agreement. "He is insane,unpredictable and Ibelieve,most dangerous."

Conrad and Simeon walked to Conrad's smaller,private office together to talk,to plan while Cynthia was showering.


"Your Majesty, Blake was my best friend growing up. His father was a brutal, abusive man as was his father before him. They are prejudiced and cruel. Blake wasn't like that until he went away to the so called 'Alpha training' his grandfather set up. He came back a different man. I think at first Blake cared that Cynth...I mean her Majesty was being mistreated. He didn't want things to continue the way they were. He protected her in a way. But when he came back from training, he ..well...he became abusive as well. He actually was worse than anyone ever was before. Things worsened as she never shifted. Because of prejudice Blake would.never touch intimately a human. But she was of pure werewolf parents so he was sure she had one but was hiding it. None of us ever smelled a wolf in her She didn't heal fast or showing signs of enhanced abilities. ButBlake was sure. He hired a hunter to force her wolf out. He tortured her.None of us could stand this but he is the Alpha. We had no power to refuse him even if torture of a girl was destroying us.I swore I would get her out of there but years went by and she kept surviving somehow until the hunter went against Blake and tried to force her wolf.out by trying to rape her. Blake got there in time with me behind him and as he was insane attacking and dismemberment the hunter, I took the opportunity to grab Cynthia and race her to my room. I helped her escape that night. BUT Alpha Blake...well...he has lost his sanity over her being gone. He has contacted warlocks and witch's and vampires to lend them their power to.find her a d bring her back. He will do anything now that he knows she is definitely a wolf and more so since she is THE white wolf. And I mean anything! We have to protect her!" Conrad growled and agreed.

While it was true the combined power of Cynthia and Conrad was tremendous. Alone each had weaknesses making each vulnerable to certain attacks. Conrad knew it was unreasonable to say he would ALWAYS be with Cynthia. He knew he wouldn't and couldn't guarantee that and neither could she. It wasn't JUST to keep his beloved love of his life safe Conrad was thinking of right now. There was the bigger picture also...all of the Supernaturals needed them. It wasn't arrogance speaking. It was fact. Without them the Kingdom would not have a chance to re-estabkish itself and the protection needed to assure that the various species survived would never be.The humans, who feared what they did not understand or could not control, would exterminate them one species at a time until none ..well...til all ... Conrad closed his eyes tight. He could not even think such a dark thought. He knew they needed to come up with a plan BEFORE Blake made an agreement that none would survive. And in his insanity, his lack of clear thinking, that was more than possible but very likely. "Can't Blake see he is putting at risk all.of our lives forever!?" Conrad thought he thought that but he said it aloud. He had not seen Cynthia come in.He thought she was in the big office. She touched his cheek and he jumped, startled by the sparks and touch. "I am sorry, my love," he said as he took hold of her hand,"I have things on my mind."

"Yes, I heard. Blake. You really believe him to be a threat? He is crazy. How dangerous can one wolf be, albeit an Alpha wolf?"

"Very." is all Conrad said.