
Chapter Ten: Furious Alpha


"Damn it! How the hell did we lose her!?" Alpha Blake was livid! All his trackers were bowed and trembling. Simeon, his Beta, spoke, "She was fast and somehow managed to hide her scent. But Alpha, we saw her briefly in ... well..."

"Spill it, damn it!"

Simeon looked at the bowed trackers cautiously. Then cleared his throat. "She was in wolf form." he whispered.

"Excuse me? What did you say? It almost sounded like you said she was in wolf form? Repeat what you said,Beta!"

"Yea,Alpha. She was in wolf form. And she was...was...ummmm...she was..."

"For Goddess' sake, get it out, Why don't you?! She was what, damn it!?"

Simeon closed his eyes tightly and spoke, "She was white,Alpha.Pure white and huge! As large as an Alpha wolf or larger! and fast as lightning!"

"Say what?! You must have been hallucinating. She is just a human. She has no wolf. White wolf??? You are insane!" Alpha Blake went to punch his Beta when his head tracker said, "It is true, Alpha. She is THE white wolf! We are all damned now. We disrespected the Moon Goddess' child."

"Shut up! all of you, shut up!" Alpha was beyond livid!

He grabbed the neck of his Beta and yelled in his face, spit flying, "Are you telling me she is a wolf? SHE HAS A DAMN WOLF AFTER ALL? and she is THE WHITE WOLF?! Is THAT WHAT YOU ARE REPORTING, BETA!? You better think before you answer me!!" Alpha Blake used his Alpha voice.Every person was cowering in the pack house. Everyone.

"Yes, Alpha, that is my report." Simeon swallowed hard and closed his eyes for the punch he knew was coming. Instead Alpha Blake threw him across the room. He hit the wall hard and fell.to the ground. Simeon exhaled and attempted to stand up. Alpha Blake was across the room in a flash and soundly kicked his Beta in the stomach. Simeon crumpled. No one moved. Not one tracker moved from their bowed spots. No one even breathed. Alpha Blake stopped out of the office screaming, "FIND HER, DAMN IT! SHE IS MINE!"

Alpha Blake was spitting mad. He trashed the pack common space and stormed outside. He shifted and ran hard. He needed to clear his mind.

FLASHBACK (17 years earlier...Crescent Moon Pack territory)

Carnage everywhere. Bodies everywhere. Blood everywhere. Blake had never seen so much blood...so much death. This was his first battle. In all his 17 years he had never encountered such ruthless brutality. His father, Alpha Bruce, left no one alive.No mercy. Women...children...old...young... all dead. Not one Crescent Moon Pack member survived. He stopped at a large oak tree and vomited. He sank to his knees and wept. His wolf was silent.

"Blake! Damn it, boy,man up!"Blake's father yelled at him."This is just a little bloodshed. We won! Come! We celebrate tonight ...the Crescent Moon Pack is no more and we have now doubled our territory! Get up, boy! No son of mine is so weak as to cry over such weak wolves."

Blake rose and said, "Yes, Father."

Alpha Bruce called out, "Gather all the dead bodies into a large pile. We will have a bonfire tonight to celebrate. Any surviving Crescent Moon Pack members breathing, kill. That is as much mercy as we will show. Warriors, we are the Silver Moon Pack and we are the strongest still! 133 years ago we overthrew the Royals. We now have only 2 packs to go to have complete world domination!"

17 year old Blake watched his father fire up the warriors. He was conflicted. Everything in him was sickened by this and yet his father was standing there soaked in blood of warriors and innocents and gloating. Blake turned away from his father and walked off. He watched as the Silver Moon Pack gathered Crescent Moon Pack bodies. His father bellowed behind him,"Insolent son of mine, get busy! Gather the losers' bodies. NOW, SON!" Blake jogged off and picked up a she-wolf's body. She had been decapitated. When he lifted her up there was a pup under her. He was reaching down to pick that body up also when the pup moved. The pup was still alive. The she-wolf had protected the little girl. She was probably an Omega (lowest ranking of werewolf...mostly served the higher ranking wolves) from the dress of the she-wolf over her. He stared at the little girl. She was pretty and so innocent. His heart moved with compassion. His father had ordered them to kill any survivors. Certainly he didn't mean babies. right? Blake picked up the pup and nestled her into his shirt. The child cuddled unconsciously into him. He would bring her back to the pack and she could be his personal slave until...well, until she shifted and then she would be his. Damn the mate bond. He hated his mate. She was a shrew, arrogant and bossy like all the higher ranking she-wolves. Whores, all of them.

So,Blake hid her. And hid her well for a few months. Until Blake was sent off to Alpha training ...a brutal training his father and grandfather led. Blake was being sent to the far area of their territory. He no longer could sneak out to feed the little one. What was he going to do with her? He didn't want his father or anyone else to know he had brought as a kind of "spoil of war" and certainly not that he had had mercy when his Father had strick orders to kill all who still breathed. Blake sat with the little Cynthia (that is who she said she was) on his lap and watched her sleeping. He was thinking.

Awww. Got it! He would claim she was a rogue who wandered into their territory tonight on his patrol. Yes! He was sure that would work. She was so young with no adult with her that him suggesting she be a packhouse slave would work.

And his Father did believe him. He came into the pack house after his shift on patrol with Cynthia tucked under his arm. He told his father he found her at the SE corner of the territory alone, crying. His father was going to kill her as he had no mercy for rogues either. Blake suggested casually she could be helpful as a slave in the pack house. Alpha Bruce bought it and called Helen, the head omega in the pack house and handed Cynthia over to her. Blake left for training breathing a sigh of relief. And Cynthia's horror began.


"Ungrateful woman!" Alpha Blake was still livid. Truth be told Alpha Blake spent most of his adult life angry. After his father and grandfather's so called Alpha training, gone was any remenant of the softer boy. He emerged from that "training" angry at the world. He had become a copy of his father and grandfather. He was brutal, ruthless and yes, angry. Very angry at the world. Blake never spoke to anyone about the "training." Everyone could guess how brutal it was just by the end products, Alpha Bruce and Alpha Blake.

When Alpha Blake thought back on his return, he could see why Cynthia feared him and, although he did not want to admit it,why she ran at the first chance she got.

FLASHBACK(post Alpha training)

Cynthia heard in the whispering of the pack house that Blake was due back soon. She had uncanny hearing for so small a pup. Most werewolves do not shift until 16 years of age, she had shifted at age 3 under her parents' loving care. She had shifted all.the time until the war. Her wolf, Athena, was her one and only friend,except for Blake. Cynthia was excited to hear Blake was coming back. It had been almost a year since he left. She was 6 now and did all the cooking for the pack and most of the laundry. Helen had said she was a genius in the kitchen so had a step stool made for her. She wanted to make food for Blake when he got back. She was ignored by most of the pack, except Helen but that was alright. Some Omega were abused so being invisible was fine to her. There was a commotion in the main hall. Cynthia looked around the corner and there was Blake surrounded by many pack members. She smiled and walked towards the group. She snuck between people and approached Blake.She tugged on his pant leg and looked with a smile on her face, her blue eyes bright and full of excitement. Blake looked around then down at her. There was a look of recognition and an almost smile when all of sudden he kicked her away and cursed her. "Get the hell away from me, slave. You do NOT touch me...ever! You got that you worthless piece of crap!" Cynthia went flying across the hall, her back hit the wall and tears immediately filled her eyes. She rose, looked at Blake and ran to her "room" (a storage closet with a blanket on the floor), She sobbed. Things did not get any better the next days. weeks, months, years. Even worse was that the rest of the pack began to treat her just like Blake did, even Helen. She was nothing to anyone.


Blake sat near the stream reflecting. He had made her life hell.Did he really wonder why she ran away? He began to question himself.

"NO! NO! SHE OWES ME HER DAMN LIFE! She not only ran away, she lied to me. She hid her wolf! She hid her scent! She was to be mine! SHE OWES ME! SHE IS ALIVE BECAUSE I SAVED HER! SHE OWES ME!" Alpha Blake worked himself back up and was once again enraged!