
Chapter eighteen: Control Part 2

Cynthia and Conrad had been working non stop since lunch to: 1) identify their powers; 2) learn to control the ones they identified and 3) defend themselves against magic attacks (something werewolves had little knowledge or experience with in the last 150 or so years.

"Yes! That's it, your Majesty! Gather the fire and hold it in a ball in your palm. Yes! Very good." Harold was complimenting Conrad. Leo was pissed. He had never heard of a werewolf needing to gather or hold fire! To Leo (Conrad's wolf), this whole "training" thing was wasted time and energy. Conrad was trying to keep his wolf under control so he could try to learn these new skills. He knew Leo.was upset.He also knew all these skills were for when he was in his human. form, at least so far. Leo was complaining and Conrad was speaking with him in their shared mind space. Just then Herald sent a lightning bolt directly at Conrad. Conrad was lost in conversation with his wolf and completely missed Herald's instructions. Cynthia noticed that Conrad looked out of it and saw Herald release the lightning bolt at Conrad. She foresaw what could happen if she did not move in time. Conrad may be "fireproof" but he was not "lightning" proof. Cynthia caught Glenda's lightning bolt and diverted to intercept Herald's before it reached Conrad. ZAP! POP! CRACKLE! SWOOSH!

Conrad jolted. Alert and confused. "YOUR MAJESTY! ALPHA!" Herald screamed, panicked that Conrad was injured. Conrad stood so still, mouth in an "o" formation, eyes wide, hair on his head standing straight up like a cartoon drawing. Cynthia left over Glenda and landed gracefully in front of Conrad, started the snap her fingers in front of his face, "Conrad! Conrad! Conrad, my dear, answer me!" Conrad slowly, without blinking or changing his facial expression, turned towards Cynthia and stared at her. Cynthia took her right hand and began to smooth down Conrad's hair.

Herald finally came to himself and berated Conrad for spacing out during training. "If Her Majesty had nit been keenly aware of her environment you, my King, would be toast! BURNT TOAST! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?"

Conrad let out a loud growl.

"SO NOT GROWL at me, your Majesty! YOU almost got yourself killed! What were you thinking spacing out like that?!"

Conrad was upset and embarassed. He stomped up the stairs to the back entrance of the pack house, just as Tom, his Father, was stepping out. Tom sniffed the air. "It smells like...well... (sniff)... ozone?? What on earth? "

Conrad rushed past his Father headed towards the stairs with Cynthia now behind him.


No answer. "Conrad?" It dawned on Conrad that was Cynthia's voice. But instead of answering, he increased his speed up the staira.She sighed as she picked up speed as well.

Athena reached out through their mate bond to Leo. He was pouting and angry and...what was THAT emotion? Athena thought it was embarassment?? Athena let.Cynthia know Leo's site of being.

"Conrad?" Cynthia reached out for Confad's hand as she caught up to him.

"What is wrong with you? Conrad?"

He stopped but did not look at her. He did nit turn towards her He just stopped. He stared at the floor. Cynthia moved to in front of him still holding onto his hand. "Conrad, my dear, please? please look at me?"

After what felt like forever, actually only about 30 seconds,Conrad squeezed out 2 words.

"I can't."

Cynthia stepped into him and lifted his one hand which she still had in her ha dand put it around her. She stepped even closer until their bodies touched. She muzzled into his neck and.kisses her mark on him. He shuddered then grabbed her and hugged her right. He muxxled her neck and inhaled her scent while kissing his mark on her. He finally sighed. They stood there and just hugged one another.

How long they stood like that neither one knew. Finally, Conrad lifted his head and whispered in Cynthia's ear, "Thank you,my love. First you saved me.from a lonely life, then you saved me from rogues, then you gave me hope of a life with purpose and now...Cynthia, you are saving me from my own self destructive tendencies and thoughts, do you know that?" She did not move. How could she express what was within her heart? She smiled but of course Conrad could not see that. His eyes were closed as he inhaled the scent of her hair.

"My dear, you rescued me.from abuse, gave me confidence to live and ro.explore myself, you believed in me when no one else did and gave me a home, love. It is you who has saved me, not the other way round."

Herald cleared histhrpat, "Ahem...okay love birds, enough of all this 'bearing of the heart'...we have much work to do and not a lot of time to do it."

"That is the truth, son," his Father was behind Herald. "The King and Queen of Vampires and the leader of the Fayes will be here in 3 days. Yes, they responded."

Conrad sighed, opened his eyes and reluctantly turned to face the two men.

"They did confirm? Well, good.Three days, huh?"

Cynthia also sighed, "And what of the demon lord, the dwarf lord and the Archeangel?"

"We have not been able to reach the demon lord or.the dwarf lord and the Archeangel has said he won't come unless they do. So, I don't expect them." Tom said.

"Seems.we.won't have all the Supernaturals at this conference." Cynthia could not hide her disappointment.

Tom responded optimistically, "We start with those who are open. We gather momentum and strength. They will come...eventually."