
Chapter Eight: the truth

"Ready for what?" Cynthia asked.

"To stop the Silver moon pack! They will pay for their disgusting behaviors, prejudices and breaking pack law!" Conrad bellowed.

"Not because of me! No!" Cynthia cried.

"No, this is not revenge. This is justice and not just for you,my love, but for all.she-wolves and humans they have abused and disrespected, which happens to include you." Conrad assured her.

"Cynthia, we have to do this." Tom said affirming his son's decision.

"Ok." Cynthia understood. She was afraid of what might happen but she was also proud of Conrad to avenge all she-wolves and humans.

"Son,you will make a great King." Tom said proudly.

"King? No. I am not worthy to be King. I am no Royal." Conrad said humbly.

"Actually, son, you are." Tom sheepishly said, starring down at his feet. He was unable to look in Conrad's eyes.

"What are you saying,Father?" Conrad was totally confused. "Sit down you two. We need to clear the air...it's past time I told you and now that you have found Cynthia, I need to tell you the truth of who you are, son."

Conrad and Cynthia looked at each other with confusion. "Father?"

"Sit. Please. And DO NOT react until I finish. Cynthia, keep him calm while I explain. Tom took a deep breath. I am not your birth father and your mother was not your birth mother. We agreed to take you when you were 3 days old from the former King and Queen of all Supernaturals to.keep you safe. Yes that was 150 years ago. Yes, I am an Alpha however I had chosen to serve the King for 5 years to learn more about supernaturals and to serve the Royals. At the end of those 5 years I would return home to the Blood Moon pack, allow my Father to retire and become the Alpha. I took an oath to support the King and Queen. I had not found my mate and I was already 100 years old. I had given up, to be honest. My Father was strong and healthy and was no hurry to retire. He was just 135 years old after all. So,long story short, I left here and served the King and Queen. Your mother was a servant to the Queen.Monica was beautiful and honest and loyal. The Queen trusted her and she was part of the Queen's advisory team. I primarily served the King in a similar capacity. After 2 years there we finally met and we both immediately realized we were mates. Both the King and Queen were happy for us. We had a bedchamber across from the King and Queen. After a year, Monica still had not become pregnant.She was devastated. We found she could not have pups but I didn't care. I loved her. I wasn't worried about an heir. There are many deserving men here in our pack ... Anyway, I digress. The 4th year of my service contract trouble began to brew in the Kingdom. The Silver Moon pack (yes, I said the Silver Moon pack)made trouble. They wanted to control and made contacts with a witches' coven, two Vampire brothers, and a demon to take over all packs and overthrow the Royals. Alpha Brian (Alpha Blake's grandfather) wanted all Royals dead. He did not believe the legends and did not teach the generations below him our true history. The younger werewolves under him were and are ignorant. Again, I digress. Anyway, Alpha Brian with his dark comrades did take over most of the packs ,except ours and the Strawberry Moon Pack. He decided he was strong enough to overthrow and kill the Royals.

He and his son, Bruce (Alpha Blake's father) were ruthless. We were not prepared for the dark magic they used. Demons and witches can be quite formidable. We were not alerted til it was too late. The Queen had just given birth to you 3 days earlier. She and the King called us into their bedchamber. Queen Amanda knew she was too weak to flee let alone fight and King Xander would not leave her side. They asked us to take you and return here and raise you as our own. We at first refused. We did not want to leave them.We wanted to fight for them. The King would not allow us to stay. The Queen kissed your forehead, gave me the pendant you wear around your neck and handed you to your mother,my mate and love. The King handed me a small box and hugged me, thanked me. As we left the bedchamber we looked back and the two of them were embracing, crying with their foreheads touching. We fled out the secret exit and came here. You know the rest, son."

Tom was teary eyed when he finished. He walked to a secret hideaway in the wall and tapped twice. A small door opened and a box was there. He took it out and opened it. Inside was a ring with the Royal crest, a parchment, and another pendant just like the one Conrad wore since childhood.

"Here, son." Tom bowed before Conrad and Cynthia. "You are the rightful heir to the throne as is Cynthia."

Cynthia and Conrad were silent.

Tom remained bowed. "Father, don't. I am your son, regardless of my blood or whatever. Do not bow before me. Get up!"

Tom remained bowed. "Son, you are also my King and Cynthia is my Queen. I am honored to have raised you, Conrad and humbled to have been chosen for such a task."

Conrad reached out to pull his father up off his knees.

"Conrad, the King and Queen told me to not tell you anything until you found your mate. An Oracle had told the Queen she would be the long awaited white wolf. So, I told you all the stories of old so you would not be ignorant. When you said you saw her and smelled her I ...well, I panicked. I knew the day would come but when it did I was in denial and afraid. After all we just lost your mother 2 years ago. I just gained my sanity back a year ago. I have no excuse. I guess I almost didn't want to believe the Oracle after all these years."

Conrad placed is hand on his father's arm. "Father, it's ok. I know now. It is as it should be. And always you are my Father. Understand?"

"Thank the Goddess! If I lost you also...sigh...I don't think I would live." Tom said.

Cynthia sat quietly. She picked up the pendant in the box and it glowed. She dropped it quickly and Conrad and Tom walked over. All three looked in the box on the pendant was now engraved Cynthia's name. Conrad picked up the pendant and placed in around d Cynthia's neck. He kissed her cheek. Tom reached in the box for the parchment and handed it to Conrad. Conrad unrolled it and read aloud.

"Our dear son and white wolf mate,

we won't be here to guide you as evil has taken over temporarily and all supernaturals are at risk now. You are the rightful heir to the Kingdom and you two will.once again unite all supernaturals in a just society. Here in this box is the matching pendant for your mate, son. Your rightful fated mate will be the white wolf.Do not be duped by other she-wolves. Only the white wolf is your fated mate and the Queen. Both of you, after mating, will gain incredible powers. Contact Gwen, the witch, to learn how to control these powers. Go to Derrick, the Faye King for your weapons and make a connection with the royal Vampire, Vladimir. Beware of the deoms ruled by Lucifer and beware of the dwarves of the inner mountains ruled by Boris as their weapons are forged with dark magic. Lastly, be aware of the packs of our own kind who want power and break our laws and moral code. Deal harshly and ruthlessly with them until they learn and submit once again to the Moon Goddess and her ways. Son, Alpha Tom and Luna Monica can guide you as they advised us. We entrusted you to them. They are loyal as is their pack.

Lastly, there is in this box the Royal crest ring. It will prove who you are, along with the enchanted pendants. We love you.

Your parents,

Amanda and Xander De Los

Conrad rolled up the parchment and took the ring. He placed it on his right hand. It fit perfectly.

"So, my middle name is my original family name?"

"Yes, I never wanted to lose them. I loved them both as my King and Queen but also my friends." Tom said.

Cynthia stood quietly looking at both of their pendants.

Tom turned to them, "Go rest now. There is much to do to prepare for the celebration."