
Chapter 7 Restrain the Werewolf Poison

  "You are so ingrated." Gideon lifted her chin and said sneeringly, "You’re playing cat and mouse with me? First you forget what happened one month ago, then you simulate pregnancy. Huh, today, I'll let you know the consequences of telling me a lie."

  As Giden finished his words, he kissed her red lips, absording in her sweet scent.

  "No, no." Andrea instinctively rejected.

  "It's too late. You provoked me first."

  After finishing these overbearing words, he didn't held back anymore.

  Andrea rejected in panic, but incapble of action.

  She didn't like this feeling at all, but she had to tolerate it.

  At the last minute, pain filled her entire body.

  Her eyes were dark.

  She dizzied and fell down.

  "Andrew, why doesn't the girl emit the scent like she did that night? Are you a charlatan? Will this woman on earth cure my illness or not?" Gideon said.

  In the laboratory, Gideon sat on a long sofa with his legs crossed haughtily. He narrowed half of his eyes and stared at the man who was doing the experiments in front of him.

  "Master Gideon, please don't suspect my expertise,okay? I can't be wrong. It's not easy to find a person who can restrain the werewolf curse in your body after so many years. " Andrew was wearing gloves and a white coat. He looked exceedingly professional and handsome as he tended to his test experiments.

  "But it seems this woman doesn't remember what happened a month ago. Is she lying or did we finding the wrong person?"

  Due to Andrea's denial, Gideon started to doubt himself.

  Andrew stopped what he was doing and turned around to look at him in astonishment. "Master Gideon, you're suspecting yourself."

  Gideon rolled his eyes at him. "How is that possible?It was just that I didn't see her appearance clearly that night. Furthermore, I only kept her scent in my memory. This girl only seems similar to the girl from that night!"

  Andrew took off his gloves and took an instrument to him. "Then let me do a test for you and see how the werewolf poison in your body is."

  Gideon did not reject. He stretched his arm out.

  The complicated instrument was pressed on his body. After ten minutes, Andrew stared at the monitor with a troubled face and sighed constantly.

  "According to reason, it can't be wrong." Andrew muttered.

  "What are you muttering? What's the matter?" Gideon said with a cold tone.

  Andrew twitched the corner of his lips and said truthfully, "Young Master Gideon, the instrument tells that the werewolf poison in your body has not only not been restrained, but also it increased."

  "What?" Gideon abruptly stood up from the sofa and unexpectly pulled off the wire on the instrument. He grabbed it away restlessly and threw it on the floor. "How do guys deal with things around here? You can't even find the right woman."

  Andrew looked at the instrument he had developed with a hurtful expression. He chimed in with a dry smile, "Young Master Gideon, we have checked it again and again. It definitely be this woman, but..."

  "But you don't know the reason why it succeeded the first time, but now it doesn't help, right?" Gideon glanced at him furiously.

  Andrew shaked with fear and nodded his head. If this irritable young master gets angry, he will be even more terrible than a wolf. generally, people would only walk around him.

  "Maybe, only a virgin can restrain the werewolf poison," Andrew said tentatively.

  "I hired you, it is not for you to talk these nonsense," Gideon growled fiercely, "Now that you said this woman is the right person, I'll give you three more days. You must find out the ground. If not, I'll explode your lab."

  He left the lab with angry footsteps. The sound of the door closing was so loud that even made the floor shook.

  Andrew wiped the sweat on his forehead and helplessly sighed. Since he received his money, he must annihilate his problem. He was a veterinarian Ph. D. , but instead that his work had pivoted to this obscure research! How sorrowful was that!