
Chapter 74 You Don't Like Him?

"Miss Lopez, are you all right?"

Jacob walked forward and asked with concern after he cleaned up the mess

Andrea's eyes were red and bore the wronged feeling in her heart. "Why is he always angry with me?"

"Miss Lopez, you know exactly the Young Master's temper, in addition, what happened last night..."

Jacob was about to say something but said nothing. In the end, he could only sighed gently. "The werewolf poison in Young Master's body has a side effect on him, his manic depression is one of them."

That was correct.

He had indeed mania.

If not, how could a normal person get angry just like that?

But, why should she bear his anger?

She got up irritably and her chest heaved. She needed to take deep breaths to calm the anger in her heart.

"Miss Lopez, I will ask Dr. Evans to have a look at your wound."

After he finished speaking, Jacob turned around and walked away.

Andrea did not hold him back, but she probably had to skip class for today again.

In the lab.