
The Alpha's Downfall

Among the approximately two million middle school students who took the exam, only the top 100 scorers of the entrance examination are offered a scholarship in the most prestigious school in the country, Chen Academy. One of the students who were offered a scholarship was Uriel Delavin, a seemingly narcissistic omega who grew up in the countryside and was showered with endless compliments from those around him. Breathtakingly beautiful and blessed with intellect, everybody in his hometown looks up to him and envies him. The reigning king of the school of the elites, Theodore Greene, is an arrogant alpha who grew up pampered and spoiled by his parents. Devilishly handsome, charismatic, smart, and filthy rich, there was no doubt that he was branded as the man who was at the top of their school. What will happen when these two people meet? With their incompatible personalities, how will their love story unfold? __________ "Where did it all go wrong?" That was the question I had inside my head for so long. Perhaps, I knew the answer all along but just chose to ignore it. You're my biggest mistake. You're my destruction. You're the only person who has ever led me to my downfall. You make me so vulnerable. Seeing how you ignore me as if we're perfect strangers finally made me realize my mistakes and opened my eyes to see the answer to my question. 'Where did it all go wrong?' I can now answer this question after pondering about it for the longest time. It all went wrong from the very first time I met you. It all went wrong from the very first time I laid my eyes on you. It all went wrong from the very first time I spoke to you. It all went wrong because... ... you're you. Because you're Uriel Delavin, my favorite mistake, my most beautiful destruction, and my sweetest downfall. ----- *R18* NOTE: This story contains sexual content and vulgar words that may not be appropriate for some readers. I do not own the art. The book cover's credits go to the rightful owner. (I'm sorry, I don't know who the artist is.) I will be updating whenever I can during my free time. :)

surprisinglypretty · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

Chapter 33

"Are you alright?" The person in front of Yuri asked as he bent his knees and knelt on the ground. "You seem to be in heat. Did something happen to you? It's too early for you to have your first heat, Yuri," he continued.

"I'm... I think I'm alright, July," Yuri responded with a shaky voice. "Theodore is in a rut. Please... Haaa..." The omega felt his chest tighten. "Please help him... He's over there," he continued as he looked in the direction where Theodore was and pointed it.

July's eyebrows twitched upon seeing how Yuri was worrying about someone else, when he, himself, was in danger just a few seconds ago.

'I understand that he's worrying about Theodore because he also needs help, but Yuri doesn't look like he's prioritizing his own safety. I'm not sure whether being this selfless is a good thing or not...' July thought as he let out a soft sigh.

"I'll call Paris and ask him to help Theo. Just a second," July said and smiled a little as he looked at Yuri. He quickly took his phone from his pocket and hurriedly dialed his brother's number.

"Yeah, it's me. Could you come and get Theodore? He's in a rut. Yeah. He's at the back of the new building. Yeah, that one. Do hurry because I'm gonna help Yuri out. I can't help both of them at the same time," July said over the phone.

Yuri just listened to him speak as he panted on the ground.

'Paris... Thank goodness, he's gonna come and help Theodore...' Yuri thought as he sense of relief came flooding into him.

July then turned around to look at Yuri and said, "Let's go to the infirmary. We'll ask for suppressants and have you go back home. Is that okay with you?" Yuri nodded as a response to what July said, and so July turned around and bent his knees.

"I'll carry you on my back, Yuri," he said as he waited for Yuri to climb up to his back.

The omega slowly crawled up to him and weakly wrapped his arms around July's neck. After making sure that Yuri's position is already fine, July stood up and proceeded to walk to the building where the clinic was.

"Was it Theodore that triggered your heat? It's okay if you don't answer," July asked as he walked.

'It's strange... He doesn't seem like the July I know,' Yuri thought as he rested his head on July's shoulder.

"I think so..." He responded to his question. "Hmm... You had your heat earlier than most omegas because of him, so you have to be really careful from now on, okay?" July said in a gentle manner.

"Mhm..." Yuri responded weakly. "Thank you," he continued as he closed his eyes to rest for a while as he felt his body turning hotter and hotter.

Before Yuri even knew it, they were already at the school infirmary. The nurse hurriedly ran towards them as soon as he saw July carrying Yuri on his back.

"What happened to him?" The nurse worriedly asked as he guided them to a hospital bed. "He's in a heat. It seems like he also has a fever," July responded as he gently placed Yuri on the bed.

"It must have been because his body was shocked by the sudden changes. Omegas only feel hot, but they're not actually hot on the surface," the nurse said as he took an ear thermometer from the drawer of the table. He then walked towards Yuri and put it inside his ear to measure his temperature.

"But him..." the nurse touched Yuri's forehead and felt the palm of his hand burning upon touching his skin. "He's really hot," he continued.

"38°C. His fever is really high," the nurse said after seeing Yuri's temperature. "On top of being in heat, he also has a fever. I'll call an ambulance since it's better that he gets taken care of at a hospital. I'll just inject him a suppressant for now since it's more effective than tablet and pill suppressants," he continued.

"Also, I think you should take one as well. It seems like you're starting to get affected by his pheromones," the nurse said as he looked at July.

Breathing heavily with a flushed face, it was obvious that no matter how strong July tried to act, he was still affected by Yuri's pheromones.

'I'm always careful. I always take suppressants even if I'm not in a rut just so I could control myself around omegas. I guess being around an omega who just had his first heat is really affecting me a lot more than I expected,' July thought.

"I will do that, Nurse. Thank you," July smiled. The nurse then nodded with a little smile and walked towards the cabinet. He then looked at some of the suppressants and after deciding which suppressant July was gonna take, he headed towards him and handed it to him.

"There are cups near the water dispenser. Please help yourself. I have to take care of him first," the nurse said as he looked in the direction of the dispenser. "Thank you," July said and walked towards the water dispenser.

"Aside from feeling hot, do you feel anything else?" The nurse asked as he positioned the syringe on Yuri's arm.

"I... I'm worried about... haaa..." Yuri panted as he felt the syringe pierce into his arm. "... him," he continued.

'I was asking about himself, but it seems lile he's worrying about someone else. What a good boy,' the nurse thought as he smiled a little.

"Oh, please don't worry. July has already taken a suppressant. He'll be fine after a few minutes if he wasn't that affected by your heat," the nurse said while smiling to reassure him that July is fine.

"Not him..." Yuri said and panted as a tear fell from his eye. "I left him behind... He's probably having a harder time than me..." he continued.

'There was someone else?' The nurse thought as he tried not to show the shock on his face.

"May ask who he is?" The nurse asked as he gently placed a cotton on his arm and put a paper tape on top of it.

"Theodore..." Yuri responded.

"Please help Theodore..."

Sorry for the late update >.<

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