
The Alpha's Dead Mate

After being buried alive for 642 years by her vampire coven for going astray, Sarah is finally revived by a group of curious teenagers who had come across her coffin. Fangless and hungry, Sarah runs into Adam Richards, a twenty-five years old werewolf, who as she would find out later, happens to be her mate. The two are so different, yet so alike, but can not be together as the werewolves had a strong dislike for the vampires, so a new girl is brought to be Adam's mate, but Sarah doesn't plan to be replaced so easily.

Blood_Ink_9438 · Fantasy
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146 Chs


Sarah opened her eyes wide in the coffin and noticed how dark it was. She gathered her strength and pulled the cover blocking the light away from the top of the coffin. She adjusted her vampire eyes to see into the darkness and she looked around. The first thing she noticed was that she was in a cave. She got up from the body and winced about how much her body ached.

She relaxed back into the coffin, letting her body adjust to the new stage it was in. When she felt that sufficient time had passed for her body to readjust, she pulled her body up, got out of the coffin, and stood erect. Her body slumped down as hunger pang took hold of her. She began to crawl on the floor using her arms and legs to prop her body forward.

By the time she got out of the cave, she saw that she was surrounded by rocks and dirt. She winced thinking about how she could crawl out of the place without damaging her body. How could her father have thought that bringing her to the mountain was the best place to dump her body? She stopped crawling when she remembered the cruelty her father and the coven had shown her.

How could a father have thought that the best decision he could take over his daughter was to give her poison, have her fangs removed, and have her buried alive with some kind of spell that kept her alive while she still couldn't free herself from the terror she felt while she was locked up?

She felt each of her fangs and saw that they looked like baby fangs that were just developing. How was she ever going to feed with those baby fangs? When another hunger pang took hold of her and her baby fangs began to hurt her gums, she crawled on all four through the tiny stones and sharp twig to look for a meal she could feed on. By the time she got into the forest, she had cuts all over her arms and thighs but she didn't care. All she needed desperately was a meal that could save her life.

By the time she got into the heart of the forest, she saw a rabbit looking at her. Before the rabbit could get away from her, Sarah took hold of it and brought it to her mouth. She sank her baby fangs into it but couldn't pierce into the skin of the animal.

Sarah groaned in fury as she tried again but still couldn't get her fangs to penetrate the rabbit's body. As the hunger took hold of her, she tried to command her nails to grow but she couldn't because her power was very weak. It wasn't just her power that was weak, she was damn weak herself. With anger she tried again, this time, she applied a little more force and she succeeded in getting her teeth into the animal. She sucked in the blood of the rabbit hungrily until she had drank every drop of blood she could get from it.

When she was done, she threw the rabbit away and got up. Her body thundered with energy and she stretched. Whatever remained of the clothes she wore tore itself apart and fell off her body. She looked at it on the floor and shrugged a little. It doesn't matter if the clothes were off her body. As soon as she was able to get out of the mountain and go into the civilized area where she could find humans, then she could drain one or two people off their blood to regain her full strength and power. She would also be able to get some clothes to cover her nakedness.

As she looked around for which way to take, she saw footprints on the floor. She bent down to examine it and figured that it must have belonged to the people who had accidentally freed her from her prison. All she had to do was follow the footprints to wherever they went.

Then, she could even get lucky and find the humans nearby. If she found them, Sarah would drain every one of them without thinking about sparing any one of them. If it hadn't been for them who had reported her to her father, the man would not have acted so cruel to her and hurt his only daughter that much. She began to follow the path where the steps had gone while partially lost in thoughts.

She was going to destroy her father and his entire vampire coven once she was fitted. No matter what Sarah must've done, her father should not have treated her that way. She was his only daughter for crying out loud and as far as she knew, the man didn't have any bastard child outside. Yet, he could stand there and watch his only daughter being mistreated by having her fangs extracted and getting buried in the coffin alive without taking any action. What was she even talking about? The vampire leader had ordered the punishment upon her himself.

He had even fed Sarah the vervain himself without any second thought about what he was doing. Her beady eyes flashed with anger as she remembered how he had deceived her into drinking the vampire forbidden drink. She was going to kill him. She would kill him and kill every one of the elders who had stood there and watched her undergo the cruel punishment without any attempts to stop the assault.

By the time she had followed the footsteps to where it disappeared, Sarah found herself in a different world than she remembered. Rather than the houses made of mud bricks and poor roofing, tall houses stood in their places. The floor she stood on was no longer filled with sand but everywhere was concreted. Different lights were blinking from different sources that Sarah could not comprehend what they were meant for.

Some lines separated the roads into four different places also. She heard a loud honk and jumped back. She watched in amazement as a big box with four legs carrying people stood in front of her. The man in the box looked at her in amazement while the woman covered the eyes of two little children to stop them from looking at her.

"Shameless." The woman yelled at her just as the man turned some kind of thing from the box and it moved away from Sarah at a quick race.

Sarah looked down at herself and remembered that she was still naked. Shame took hold of her as she saw another of the big boxes stop in front of her and the people in it hurled abusive words at her. As she saw another box approaching, she turned into the first corner she saw and moved into its safety when she saw that it was relatively silent.

As she walked from the corner, she thought about how much things had changed in the years she had been asleep, which wasn't even up to a thousand years yet.

She knew this because a new fang takes that much amount of time to regrow into a sharp fang after the old one had been removed. Since her fangs were still baby fangs though, she was sure she hadn't been gone from the human world for that amount of time yet.

A light flashed into her face suddenly and she turned to see another of the big boxes rushing towards her. Before she could react, the big box stopped close to her at the snap of two fingers. Sarah fixed her eyes at the man seated in the box and all of the anger she felt for humans rose in her as she saw him playing with something in the box. She was going to kill him, she thought as she fixed her eyes on the man again.