
The Alpha's Dead Mate

After being buried alive for 642 years by her vampire coven for going astray, Sarah is finally revived by a group of curious teenagers who had come across her coffin. Fangless and hungry, Sarah runs into Adam Richards, a twenty-five years old werewolf, who as she would find out later, happens to be her mate. The two are so different, yet so alike, but can not be together as the werewolves had a strong dislike for the vampires, so a new girl is brought to be Adam's mate, but Sarah doesn't plan to be replaced so easily.

Blood_Ink_9438 · Fantasy
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146 Chs


"There's an emergency, Sarah has been badly injured- shot. I need you all to prepare for her medical attention" He declared panting and sweating as he jabbed the steering wheel, ignited the truck back to life, sped through the road like he was about to lose something. 

The silver arrow was in his pocket. He was going to get them in for sampling, the shooter had survived this time but not the next. 

Getting back to the mansion was in a split second. On the way to the house, he had stepped on his brakes several times. Some yelled and cursed back at his roughness but he didn't mind, all he wanted was to get Sarah home safe and sound. By the time he got to the house, her blood had formed a river at the back seat. The blood was completely red and healthy.