
The Alpha's Dead Mate

After being buried alive for 642 years by her vampire coven for going astray, Sarah is finally revived by a group of curious teenagers who had come across her coffin. Fangless and hungry, Sarah runs into Adam Richards, a twenty-five years old werewolf, who as she would find out later, happens to be her mate. The two are so different, yet so alike, but can not be together as the werewolves had a strong dislike for the vampires, so a new girl is brought to be Adam's mate, but Sarah doesn't plan to be replaced so easily.

Blood_Ink_9438 · Fantasy
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146 Chs



"Ryan, come and see what I just found," Bryan called to his twin brother in excitement.

Ryan and the others with him rushed over to see what Bryan was talking about. When they got to where the other teenager was, Ryan hissed at his brother when he saw that it was merely a squirrel with a black and white striped color that was lined horizontally on the animal's fur that had his brother squeaking for joy like a three years old child.

Ryan watched in amusement as his brother took out his phone and began to take pictures of the squirrel which surprisingly stayed still for a while. The others showed their displeasure too as they all left Bryan with the squirrel and dispersed around the mountain they were at in search of something that would truly make the trip to the mountain worthwhile.

The twins' brothers and some other teenagers had all gathered themselves together for a weekend of adventure and fun. When they had researched about all the fun places, the Cyprus mountain had shown up as one of the fun places they could visit along with some other places. After much debate among themselves, they had all finally settled for this place thinking they would have more adventure to boast off. But since they had been here for two hours, they haven't found things of interest other than rocks and dirt, squirrels and rabbits, trees and their branches and leaves.

Bryan was beginning to get bored of everything. He had only agreed to come to the place because everyone had assured him that they would be able to find all sorts of interesting things but they hadn't gotten even a thing. The only thing he had been able to find was the squirrel and he had only found it interesting because of its two-toned colors.

Bryan picked up a stick and sat on one of the smaller rocks overlooking the cave which was the only place they hadn't searched yet. From the looks of things though, Bryan wasn't sure he would be able to find anything of amusement to him in there.

Deciding that nothing else could be worse than him just sitting around doing nothing, he moved into the cave. He looked around but didn't find anything of interest to him. He was just about to turn back to order when his eyes fell on a coffin at the far corner of the room.

He moved closer to it as he figured out that he might have accidentally stumbled upon a coffin belonging to an important personality. His excitement rose when he thought about how some of the people buried in caves usually had gold, diamond, silver, and other valuable things buried along with their dead bodies. He and the rest of the people could have very well discovered important personnel and might get their names plastered on the next newspaper all over the country. He bent low and tried to lift the coffin's door but couldn't get it opened.

"Ryan, get over here now!" Bryan yelled for his brother.

Ryan got up slowly from the place he sat with a low growl. They had been combing the entire forest and couldn't get anything tangible. Even with the way he was seeing things, he would be calling off the search any minutes from now. He was about to tell the others that they needed to move when he heard Bryan yell his name. He rolled his eyes as he thought that Bryan might have seen another squirrel that he thought the colors were amazing.

"Ryan, where are you?" Bryan called again, his voice echoing through the mountain.

Ryan and the others went over to where Bryan's voice had sounded from. When they found him, they saw that he was standing over a coffin and they all crowded around it.

"What's this?" One of the only two girls in their midst asked Bryan.

"Hurry, let's open it," Bryan said to the others instead of replying to the girl's question.

Four of the boys gathered around the coffin and they pulled it open with force. A breeze suddenly blew everywhere and the groups had to cover their faces with their hands to prevent air from getting into their eyes.

The breeze blew their clothes around and one of the girls had to hold on to another person from their group out of fear of being blown away by the breeze. The animals in the cave ran around, seeking a safe refuge from the mysterious breeze that had invaded their home.

The adventurous kids watched as bats flapped their wings and rushed out of the cave as if they were chased by an invisible force. After about two minutes, the breeze stopped blowing and Bryan peeped into the coffin. The body of a woman covered in blood stared back at him and he watched in fascination how fresh the body still was. All of the others stepped backward in fear of what they were looking at.

"Guys, I think she just died and was just buried," Bryan announced to the people who had moved closer when they realized that it was only a dead body and they had nothing to fear from it. They were all now looking at the freshly dead body.

"I think so too," Sandra, one of the girls said and bent down to touch the body.

"Hey, leave the body alone," Faith, the second girl said and moved back a little.

"Scared crow," Sandra said to the other girl.

"The clothes look old to me though," Bryan said, poking the body with the stick in his hands.

"I bet she was a maid that was mistreated by her boss. She could have been beaten to death considering how old and torn apart the clothes on her are." A boy from the group said.

"And the dried blood is a dead giveaway too," Ryan added.

"You guys, leave it alone. Let the dead rest in peace," Faith said again.

"She has a point," Sandra told the others.

Ryan's phone rang and he picked it up. When he was done answering the person on their end of the phone, he waved the phone in front of his peers before he spoke up.

"Sorry to ruin your discovery but we gotta go now, dudes." He told them.

"About time. There's nothing much we got here anyway." One of the boys answered.

"Let's go," Bryan said and covered the coffin back slightly.

Together, the group of four boys and two girls moved out of the cave and made their journey back home. While they waited for the bus to return them home, they talked about how their search had been futile with nothing remarkable to say about it. The only thing they had found had been the squirrel and the dead body and even that wasn't that fascinating to them. When the bus arrived, they all got into it, leaving behind the squirrel and the dead body far behind.