
Chapter 4: What's your name?

My first meeting with my mate was chaos. She was wild and untamed, this was not how a Luna should be. She was behaving like a rogue and had developed a fight-or-flight mentality that she used to survive from being without a pack. I was conflicted. Both Kane and I are drawn to her, unable to ignore the pull of our connection. Kane wanted to find her and demand an explanation for her mistreatment towards us while simply wanting to forget the whole encounter.

My Luna needs to be proper and disciplined, neither of those things my mate had. Since she was rogue I knew full well my obligation was to reject her. Either wait for a second chance mate or decide on a chosen mate. My dream was to have my destined mate by my side, that is was the lunar goddess decided and what she believes is the best. I had to have faith in her. There must be a reason for her decision.

Now that our connection had been established, I knew having sex with Caitlin she would have felt the effects of my infindelity, but as usual I shoved Kane aside and tried to forget. Kane was not a happy wolf.

Miles and I parked down the street from where the car was registered to. The other vehicles driven by other pack members were parked elsewhere. In alleyways or any direction, we felt this woman could slip through to escape via car.

We sat there waiting, staking out the joint. The neighbourhood was fairly decent, with average-income homeowners, and with every nice neighbourhood, there was always that one house with a white picket fence and a yapping small dog. And just happened to be right next to us.

"You couldn't park somewhere else?" I asked Miles.

"Yeah well, this was the only spot, from the house where she couldn't see us. We're quite hidden. But if she's lived here long enough and knows her neighbours then she'll quickly pick up we're not from around here."

We weren't close enough for me to pick up her scent if she had been in the area. Luckily for us, a black Mitsubishi sport sedan with tinted windows drove past us matching the number plates from the surveillance footage.

"It's going time." Miles says, he sounded a little too keen for this. Like he had somewhere else to be.

"Not yet we need to confirm it's her." I said.

Miles pulls out a pair of binoculars.

"Why do you have those? Your eyesight is fine."

"It's not a stake out without binoculars. You don't know if I have poor eyesight."

"Your eye site is fine, you dick."

The car pulls into the driveway I had expected my mate to get out the car but it was a man.

"Who the fuck is that?" I growled.

"I don't know how am I supposed to know that?"

"Was he at the club?"

"No. I don't think so."

He waits by the car and a second later the front door opens. A woman steps out wearing a baseball cap and a patched button-up shirt. Then I saw her lips. Bright as a cherry. It was her. I had never sat up so fast in my life just to get a closer look. I was bouncing off the walls internally. Excited. Happy but also pissed.

She looked so casual and delicate even but her red lipstick made me remember the fiery cracker she was. She greets the man with a hug.

"Seriously why don't we know who this prick is?"

He shouldn't be touching our mate. Go over there and do something Calen.

Kane was growing increasingly angry and jealous. I hated to admit it but I had to understand this was only the effect of the bond.

To make matters worse Kane had become quite moody purely the fact I had cheated on our mate. Which made it quietening him down even harder than normal.

"Relax. You sound like a bitch on heat."

"Shut the fuck up." I barked back.

He kisses her cheek and she gets in the car alongside him.

Kill the bastard. That's our mate! How dare he touch her.

"Boyfriend maybe?"

"The fuck he is." I muttered and I found myself getting agitated.

Kane was ready to break out, if he had his way right now, there would be a literal wolf dancing around in this car trying to bust out and ripe the guy's throat out.

You're only going to feel my anger even more if you just continue sitting here.

The car leaves.

"Follow them now!"

That's my boy. Kane purrs.

The car pulls up to a warehouse somewhere across town. This neighbourhood was sketchy.

"What is this girl into?" Miles asked.

"I have no clue."

We parked behind a building. I get to peek behind the corner. She was already out of the car, she looks over in my general direction and I duck behind the corner just in time for her not to spot me.

"Calen I don't like the looks of this."

"Neither do I."

"We could be walking into a trap."

"How many are there of us?"

"12 including us."

Not enough for my liking but I wanted to get this over and done with.

"Right, we will split up. Each group takes an exit.

"I don't like this." Miles reminded me again. Understandably he was trying to protect me.

"We're fine we have the strength, let's hope they don't have the numbers."

Being the Alpha I was the strongest, down the chain of command and lesser in power were Miles, Ben, my gamma and Tyler who was of a mid-rank like most of my pack members. The lowest is omegas.

We waited about 30 minutes or so and I was beginning to feel restless.

"What's taking so long?"

"I brought back up. There are 17 of us now. I ain't fucking up a second time." Miles said, "We're ready".

"Nobody hurts the girl. Dispose of the rest."

"Calen we need to kill her as well. The money is nothing. You'll make that money back within a month."

You will not kill our mate. Protect her Calen! If anything happens to our mate I will go on strike.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed by Miles' comment.

Oh good, then I won't have to hear your whiny ass.

If I'm gone you lose your strength.

"Kill the rest but I want her alive."

Miles shakes, he disapproves of my order, "Okay boss. Whatever you say."

All of us dispersed in different directions I went to one of the back doors that had a window. I looked in to see find six rogues. I turned to the right to see stairs leading up to the second floor. There she was, my mate and three more rogues.

I reported my findings through the mind link.

"Who's near the roller door?" I spoke through the mind link.

I heard Ben respond "Myself and Tyler."

"One's heading over, he is about to open the door.

"3...2...1" I counted down, "NOW." I said in the mind-link.

My pack charged in, doors burst open and since the warehouse was fairly empty it echoed and so did the shouting that began shortly after. I beelined straight up the stairs. Miles is hot on my heels. I tossed one rogue off the stairs. The woman with red lipstick bolted into the double doors that were behind her.

"Go! I'll take care of these bastards". Miles growled.

I scooted past pushing one off the edge of the railing. I look over to see his head bleeding out. Shit. His spine was defiantly fucked. The other rogues had been subdued by the pack. Now my focus was on my mate. Her scent was everywhere.

I went through the door and scanned the area, it looked like an office. There were desks and chairs staked up with loose paper on the floor. Did they own this building or were they squatting?

I heard another door shut across the room I ran over and opened it to find myself in a corridor. I ran down it as fast as I could. Checking each room as I passed. Until I finally reached the last one which was wide open. I caught a quick glimpse of her patched shirt exiting the building through the fire escape. I pursued her down to the ground floor and she ran towards the back of the building and down the alleyway that luckily for me was a dead end. She had nowhere else to run that's unless she decided to shift.

I approached her cautiously, "Alright, you've had your fun. Turn around slowly."

She turns around with her arms up but it wasn't my mate. How? But her scent I could smell it all over her. She's a decoy. And then I heard a click. The sound of the safety switch being turned off. A cold metal structure pressed up against my head. The gun.

"Hello, my love." I moved my foot ever so slightly. "Uh ah...stay still."

I snapped around grabbing her wrist and aiming the gun in the air. It accidentally fires. But my grip on her wrist loosens when I feel a sharp burning sensation I had grown quite familiar with. Down I looked to see the same dagger in my stomach.

I collapsed the silver working its "magic". She uses her shoe places it on my chest and pushes me to the ground.

"Now now my love. I warned you." She sighs, checks the clip of her gun and then crouches in front of me.

"Take my advice. Leave well enough alone. Okay." Her tone was harsh and hostile.

"Why are you doing this? Why would you want to hurt your own mate?" I coughed up blood. "Fuck" I breathed out. I was curious to know her answer before I rejected her.

"It's not about you. I'm doing this to everyone." She smirks and proceeds to pull the dagger out. I gasp when she does. I look up to see her lick the blood clean off the blade.

"Yikes, that burns. Poor baby, I wonder how you feeling."

She digs through her back pocket pulling out another syringe, sedating me once again. Fuck sake.

"What's your name?"

"Cherry." she blows me a kiss. "Night night baby."

And once again I stared at her ass as she walks away vision going blurry. Just like that, all I saw was darkness.