
The Alpha's Bane

In a contemporary world where werewolves existed secretly with humans. Oden Wells the leader of the North Park in Florida cursed his son to be in pain because he thought his son was the reason why Eve didn't make it at childbirth. He cursed his son Klaus to be in pain at midnight with a sword stuck at his back till he finds his one true love who will accept him as he is and lift his curse. Klaus sets out to find his one true love amidst all difficulties at the end he finds her but she is a human who doesn't believe that werewolves mean any good. So she is faced with rejecting Klaus when she finds out his true form. Klaus is now faced with reconciling with his father, reconciling the two parks and the human race, and also lifting his curse.

Ebube_Darlington · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 12- The Alpha's Bane

Not knowing what to answer he diverted the question to know about his proposal. 

"What's your answer, Emily? He asked in a scared tone as he didn't want to hear a negative answer. 

"Oh about that I don't have an answer yet but I will give you an answer". She replied nonchalantly without even looking up at him.

Jack was disappointed a bit but not broken-hearted as she didn't say no.

"Emily, look, do you love me? Look at me, Emily". Jack asked her to at least be assured that he would get a positive answer at the end. 

Jack has been in love with Emily since he saw her at the front door of their office the first day she started working there. 

He was smitten by her and ever since then, he has been crushing on her for more than ten years hoping that one day he will have the courage to ask her out. 

And that day was yesterday but here she is delaying her answer. This disturbed him greatly. He knew Emily liked him as a friend and colleague but he wanted to know if she liked him beyond that. 

He wanted to end the one-sided love he had been in for ten years and start something serious with her this time.

Giving up was not a chance this time. 

Emily was surprised at his question. 

She stopped eating and dropped her food. She was suddenly pissed off by the question.

"I mean this is a moment I have been waiting for. Why am I not grabbing the opportunity?" Emily asked herself silently as she kept looking at Jack who was also starting back waiting for her to answer. 

"What do I answer him now? Emily was still contemplating what answer to give him then he cut in. 

"I mean if you can't answer that right now I will wait. For your sake I will wait. I don't want to rush you into anything". He said without blinking.

Emily breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her nerves. "I just need more time. You know I am not in the right state of mind Jack. I will give you an answer soon". 

Jack smiled at her then stood up to go and keep his food tray to go back to work. 

"Eat up and get back to work" he added and fixed her hair before walking off. 

Emily breathed out to relax even more. She wasn't even aware she wasn't breathing properly the whole time she was with Jack. 

"That was close"! Emily said in her heart and stood up to drop her food tray. 

Sitting on her desk, she starts working again trying hard to keep her mind fixed on completing her job for the rest of the day. 

Linda needed to grab something she couldn't order online from the store but then she couldn't leave Klaus all by himself. Bringing him with her was a screaming risk. 

"What do I do now?". Linda was pondering what to do. 

After a few minutes, Linda was done disguising herself so she looked at the mirror to know if it was enough. Convincing herself that she is unrecognizable she disguised little Klaus as a baby girl too. 

She locked the doors and headed outside carrying little Klaus in a carrier

She remembered the car packed inside the garage she rushed inside in happiness and grabbed the keys. 

"I almost forgot you, baby," she said and stepped on the throttle and sped up. Zooming off she noticed that the City was very beautiful. She hasn't stepped out ever since they moved in that night. 

One thing she noticed immediately was that the city had so many technologies and was very busy, unlike Florida. 

Reaching in front of a mall that said "Target" she parked and alighted. 

Walking into the mall with her shopping cart and baby Klaus sleeping in the carrier on her chest she walked in and looked around. 

She looked for all the things she needed to buy and it was right there. This made her very happy. 

She bought oxtail meat, which was her favorite. She also bought baby items and more groceries to add to her stock. While she was walking around she noticed there were more werewolves than humans in the mall. 

She was super confident that they wouldn't find out because she was well disguised also she made sure to put on the perfume Eve introduced her to, to block their senses from detecting who they were. 

Midway into her shopping Klaus started acting up like the other day. 

"No! no! Not this time" Nurse Linda screamed in her head and started rocking him to quiet down. 

After a few minutes, he increased his crying and even started kicking. Linda kept on apologizing as his cries kept on disturbing the whole mall. 

"I have to hurry up and get out of this place is else if he eventually succeeds in transforming in public then our cover is blown. Not just to our kind but also to the humans at the mall". Linda thought loud in her head and hurriedly checked out and left in a hurry rounding up her shopping.

 Right in the car after she is done transferring her goods into the car. She sat down and turned on the car blinds that she found out while she was driving earlier in case he transformed. 

Then she checked his diapers to make sure that was not the reason why he was crying earlier. Seeing that it wasn't the diaper she decided to feed him since it's been up to three hours he must be hungry. 

But then he kicked away the bottle in anger. In a minute he started to transform as his nails, teeth, and hair started growing longer. 

Linda was scared of people hearing him howl so she immediately started to sing the lullaby to see if it would work. 

"Now I know why this is happening," Emily said in her head while still singing the song with all her heart. 

"This could be because you are a hybrid. Young werewolves do not change until they become teenagers but here you are changing without warning and at a very young age too?" Linda knew it was time to go when Klaus grew bigger and started kicking the dashboard. 

Linda increased her speed and started heading back home without even obeying the traffic rules. This attracted the attention of the cops and they started following her swiftly. 

Overspeeding and ignoring the traffic light was a huge offense but letting the humans discover them in broad daylight was an even bigger offense. 

"Klaus please change back do not blow our cover please?" Linda begged Klaus as if he could hear her when she saw that the cops were catching up with her.