
The Alpha's Baby (MxM)

When werewolf shifters are asked to leave Manhattan, Sawyer Rivers is at a loss. Manhattan is the only home he's known having lost his parents when he was younger to a brutal Pack bloodbath. Plus, he's penniless and his heat period is about to hit the roof. Upon the suggestion of a close friend, he visits Bad and Boogie which is a breeding zone for werewolves under the guise of a bar. There he meets Daniel who saves him from a troop of nasty alphas who'd planned to rape him. When Sawyer's heat hits in full force, Daniel has no choice than to knot with him. After the best steamy experience of their lives, Sawyer is set to leave Manhattan. Days and weeks pass and he discovers that he's pregnant with Daniel's child. Daniel who's been on the hunt for him ever since finds him in a miraculous twists of face and has to convince him to be his mate and Luna, even though Sawyer feels he's not right for him. Can Sawyer deal with his insecurities and the paparazzi that comes with being Daniel’s Luna? What happens when a jealous desperado threaten to ruin their bond?

GagaMonster · Realistic
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


They raced madly towards Daniel's car, Sawyer fidgeting as Daniel hurriedly triggered the security alarm from his keypad. Before he could get the door open, Sawyer had his arms on him, kissing his lips sloppily and moaning aggressively. "Oh, God. Oh, God."

"Your first time with an Alpha?" Daniel smirked, wrapping his arms tightly around the omega's slender waist and carrying him inside. It was so dreary dark with a few street lights illuminating them so it wouldn't be best if anyone saw them outside. Sawyer had a death grip around his neck, attacking his neck ferociously, his skin setting off steam when it came in contact with Daniel's, like fire meeting water. "Patience, sweetheart. Let's get to my place first."

Sawyer loosened his hands around his neck, smothering them on his chest instead, his lips pulling up in a pout. "How far is it? I'm trying my best here but it's not enough. If you don't mind we can do it here. In your car..."

"You won't be comfortable, dear," Daniel pecked his forehead. "My penthouse is a fifteen minutes drive from here at most."

Sawyer grumbled as he got off him, settling on his chair beside Daniel's. Daniel fired the engine up, easing out of the parking lot of the restaurant towards the nighttime traffic. Sawyer's cheeks were flushed and his breathing hard from the kiss earlier. His knuckles were white from gripping the leather armrest too tight. Watching him in such a state, Daniel had mere seconds left to go nuts. He didn't understand why everything was different when it came to Sawyer. Was this how mate bonds worked? He never got to witness his parents' affection towards each other because they died early, leaving him in the care of the Pack elders. Running a hand through his hair, he tried to keep his bearings at bay. He couldn't nail Sawyer in the backseat as he'd done with a lot of omegas. He wanted Sawyer's first time to be special, on soft foam, slow and beautiful thrusts...

Ugh, he was losing it!

Getting around the traffic was torture. There were a lot of cars on the road tonight, and reckless drivers. He'd only gotten this SUV last week, he wasn't in a hurry to wreck it yet. Sawyer groaned now as he leaned over the center console between them, cupping Daniel's cock through the fabric.

Daniel slammed at the brakes, almost running into a white Hilux. "Jesus."

"I'm sorry," Sawyer looked stricken, still stroking Daniel's length lightly. "Y-You need to hurry. Please."

"Yeah. I'm, uh, working on that. Just relax...and...don't touch anything." Daniel said with a gulp, his cock hard and throbbing, seeming to chase after Sawyer's hand as the omega settled back in his seat with an impatient huff.

"Ugh, it's so hard for me to sit still."

"We'll soon be there now, baby."

Daniel drove in with the speed of light the minute the large brown gates opened. Leaning over to unlock Sawyer's door for him, he got out himself and tossed the keys to the security man who looked puzzled at what was making his boss so agitated. "Sir, I wasn't expecting..."

"Not now, Benjamin," Daniel waved him off, grabbing Sawyer's hand and pulling him towards the front door. "Come on, Sawyer. We've got to move fast. You're dismissed for the night, Benjamin. We won't be needing you anymore."

"Yes sir."

"Your penthouse is so big," Sawyer said, looking around in awe as they raced through the lobby. The metal doors of the elevator were right ahead, at the far end of the corridor. It opened as they approached. "Yeah. I know. Beautiful isn't it?"

"Uh-huh." Sawyer nodded as they slid in, marveling at the glittering fixtures and the exquisite buttons in the elevator as the door closed. Daniel slid a card in the slot and entered a code that would allow the elevator to bypass all floors on the way up to his room. It began moving up as they headed to the top floor.

Sawyer froze, a silent prayer in his mind. He hated elevators. They made his stomach roil.

"What's the matter, dear?" Daniel placed a hand over his and shuffled closer by his side, his Alpha smell making Sawyer feel both heady and horny at the same time. He clung to Daniel like a baby koala.

"I don't like elevators. I have a, um, slight phobia."

"Shit. If you'd told me earlier, we could've taken the stairs instead."

"I'm sorry," Sawyer muttered, his head bent now.

"It's okay. We're so far gone up now. Just...try to relax your nerves. It's going to be fine."

Sawyer nodded and began to toy with the buttons on Daniel's inner shirt. He unbuttoned slowly, sliding his hand in and flattening it on Daniel's broad abs, eagerness building slowly till he lost it completely.

The skin on skin contact had Sawyer's adrenaline pumping in excitement. His heat scent was amplified as well, increasing in the small space of the moving elevator, ramping up the throes of pleasure in Daniel's balls. His legs buckled.

"God, I need you so bad, Daniel. In my arse, pounding...oh God," Sawyer whimpered, dropping to his knees, fingers drawing down the zipper of Daniel's trousers. Before Daniel could think about stopping him, Sawyer made him bang his head against the wall of the elevator when the omega's hot, wet mouth covered his cock head.

"Fuck," he breathed, taking a handful of Sawyer's hair and guiding his cock up and down the omega's throat. This way he still got to be in control, even though Sawyer's heat need was like a whirlwind consuming anything in its path. He'd never thought heaven on earth to be possible, until this very moment. With Sawyer's mouth over his cock, he felt as though he was about to combust.

Sawyer was sucking his cock expertly, taking it all the way down to his throat while still stroking his balls. He made a sloppy sound as he gagged, tears escaping the corner of his eyes. "Goodness," Daniel shut his eyes, leaning his head back and relishing the feeling. "You're phenomenal. That was the hottest thing ever. I'm pretty sure my cock filling your pert little arse is gonna be so divine as well."

Sawyer nodded, cupping his balls and taking them into his mouth. Daniel lost it, his legs buckling beneath him that he had to lean on the wall for support. His balls were the most sensitive part of his entire body. "Easy there, sweetheart. If you make me come now, you'll have to wait until I'm recovered, we still have a couple more floors to go."

"But I can't wait anymore. I can't stand the delay," Sawyer whimpered, letting go and straightening up. Daniel bit his lips, missing the heat of Sawyer's mouth on his shaft. They kissed each other passionately, then drew apart, foreheads still resting on each other's as Daniel said.

"I'm sorry baby, but you have to. We're close now, babe. Very close to the top."

Sawyer glanced at the numbers on the slot and scoffed. "Not close enough. I'm sorry but I don't know what to do with myself at this point. I'm so horny," he whined, stroking Daniel's dangling cock.

Daniel took in a deep breath, bucking his hips onto Sawyer's fist. "I love horny Sawyer."

The elevator came to a stop now, a relief to Sawyer. He practically dragged Daniel out as soon as the doors parted. The penthouse was beautiful, huge and so tastefully furnished. Sawyer guessed correctly that a top-notch interior decorator was behind this masterpiece of a place, and he was right. Daniel had Spencer employ one of the best interior decorators IN Manhattan to handle the decoration of his new home as he craved his own space from the communal Pack House just like all the other Alphas.

He'd never brought any omega in here to have sex. His space was a sacred station, and he hated it when a single thing was out of place, hence why he always preferred booking hotels for hookups. But something made bringing Sawyer here perfectly sensible. He didn't know if it was due to the mate bond, but if it was, then that was fine. He needed to ask the elders everything about the mate bond and stop the impending arranged marriage between him and Anita.

Sawyer took a look around first, his mouth agape and his fingers trembling as though he was afraid he'd ruined something if he touched anything. Daniel felt fulfilled, seeing the look of amazement in his eyes. "Damn, I didn't realize you have so much money to afford such a beautiful place. This definitely costs a fortune."

Daniel shrugged. "I've been a Pack Alpha and CEO for the past five years. Money isn't a big deal."

Sawyer nodded. "The last time I remember belonging to a Pack was when I was twelve. You guys must be so united."

Daniel nodded, feeling sorry for Sawyer. He reached a new decision in his heart to be the home Sawyer ever needed.

He seemed to be so engrossed in his thoughts to not have noticed when Sawyer moved intently towards him. The omega crept into his space, pushed him onto a couch, and got on his knees again, sucking Daniel's cock like he wasn't going to stop.

Daniel relaxed his back, stars becoming vivid in his line of vision. If he didn't stop Sawyer in the next five minutes, an orgasm would be wasted. And even though he wanted to, he didn't feel as though it was right, wasting a good orgasm in Sawyer's mouth at this critical point in time. Sawyer needed to have that heat nailed. In his pert little arse.

He placed an urgent hand on Sawyer's shoulder to stop him. "We can't do this while you're still fully clothed. The bedroom is that way, love." He pointed.

Sawyer chased his lips in a heated kiss that was sloppy, dirty, and crazy, sucking at Daniel's tongue like it was some sweet juice before he broke up for air and rushed off toward the brown bedroom door at a corner. Daniel chuckled, following closely behind while gathering his wits and thoughts about the whole situation. He loved Sawyer's eagerness. It kept his adrenaline on a high and made him want to be in control. He loved the energy.