

"I Emma DRACKSON, hereby, reject you, Derek, Alpha of the Blue Moon's Pack as my mate." Derek's eyes twitched, and his fists balled, but Emma was far from being done. "Don't ever search for me for whatever reason. I never want to see you again all the days of my life. If I ever find any of your people spying on me, I will kill them, or better, I will burn them alive. Do you understand what I just said?" She asked when she was done. But Derek was mute. Melvina tried talking, but Emma shut her up with a wave of her hand." I'm disappointed in you, Melvina. So, keep shut." She stated in anger, not minding the murmurings from the crowd.  She knew why, but she didn't care. Melvina wasn't her Luna. *** *Emma, a 17 years old gutsy teenager is shipped off to southern England by her Dad to complete her college studies; a strategic punishment to tame her wild behavior. On reaching there, she discovers that half of the campus population were paranormal creatures, she thought only existed in comic books and novellas. She also discovered that she wasn't really her father's daughter, but was kept by him because of an oath made to a hidden lover. What happens when she uncovers the fact that she wasn't the average human girl, rather a fulfilled prophecy; a reincarnated queen mated to an Alpha wolf. What path does she choose when she is rejected by the Alpha wolf in the face of grueling circumstances?

nuvvy10 · Fantasy
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574 Chs


Melvina tweaked on her seat, excitement not letting her stay at a place.

Calm your horses down, Melvina. 

She heard her mate say to her through their common mindpath. 

Well, how could she be calm? That was her best friend of so many years standing there, looking all plump and beautiful just like before. 

It has been seven years for fudge sake, seven years since she had seen the latter. So, how could she stay still and calm now? It was nearly impossible.

 She actually felt like dragging Sheila away from the people, from this crowd thirsty for information to a super quiet room where they could hug and gist properly like before.

If only Tempest and Anthony's mother were around? It would have been terrific, just like the good old days. She thought, getting sad for a second.


She missed her crew. But still, she was happy that at least Sheila was alive.