

The sun poured over my back as I worked tirelessly, and then I felt the sweat going down from my forehead to my entire body. 

I felt dizzy, but I shook my head to shake it off and resumed my work. 

It got extremely dark, and the instructor came to me. 

The whip was in his hands. 

I saw the other workers, who I knew were enslaved people, standing and sneering at me. 

They wanted to watch me receive the punishment.

"You haven't finished your work, have you?" He said. "Thirty whips of the cane."

"But I've finished, sir," I said. 

He frowned, and then I stepped aside to show him the entire mass field that was clear of weeds and had been set up for planting. 

His mouth was open, as was everyone else who stood watching. 

"B-b, but that's not possible." He said it in disbelief. 

I stood there, waiting for his following instructions. 

There was a murmur among the crowd. 

Then he frowned at me.