
The Alpha’s Hybrid Mate

bym · Fantasy
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27 Chs


The next morning Layla was the first to wake up. She got up and looked at her mate, who was still sleeping, and smiled at him. She got out of bed, walked to her mate's closet, and picked an outfit out. She made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. After a few minutes, she got out of the bathroom and put the folded pajamas on top of her mate's cabinet, not knowing where to put them. She texted Theo to bring her a bra, some underwear, and new shoes since she was braless for a long time. Then, she made her way to the kitchen to make breakfast. While she was making the last batch of pancakes, Ms. McCall walked in.

"Good morning, Layla" Ms. McCall greeted.

"Good morning. Ms. McCall. Would you like some breakfast? I made some toasts and pancakes"

"I will just take a toast since I can't sit and eat, I have to get to the hospital, they have a lot of patients coming in from a car accident and it was supposed to be my day off. Oh, well" Ms. McCall said, picking up a toast from the pile on the table. "Thanks for making breakfast. I never have time to make Scott a proper breakfast. I will take my leave. Bye!"

"It's no problem. Bye, have a great day at work" Layla said as Ms. McCall went to the door.

"I will try," Ms. McCall said jokingly and went out the door. Layla placed the last batch of pancakes with the rest on the table that was set for breakfast. As she was doing this, she smelt strong the scent of vanilla and cinnamon. She turned to see her mate standing by the doorway to the kitchen. She smiled at him, "Why are you just standing there? I made breakfast, come eat." Scott snaps out of his dazed and went to sit across his mate. He put four pieces of pancakes on his plate and pour syrup. He started eating. Layla and her mate were eating breakfast together and enjoying th silence. It was ruined with the pack, Jay, James, and Theo walking into the house loud with Stiles opening the door with his key that Scott gave him in case of emergency, which he is regretting now.

"Hey, Scott and Layla, do you guys want to come to the carnival that is happening in town today? Since we defeat a lot of villains, we deserve some fun." Stiles asked Scott and Layla. Scott looked at his mate, who nodded at him with excitement in her eyes as she was still eating her breakfast.

"Sure" Scott answered for both of them and went back to eating. The group walked into the kitchen where Scott and Layla were.

"Ooo, breakfast," a few of them said together. Each of them got a piece of toast since they were no more pancakes. Scott and Layla place the plates and utensils in the sinks. Layla cleaned the dishes as Scott cleaned the table.

"Theo, did you bring what I asked you to bring?" Layla asked Theo after finishing. Theo nodded and handed her the bag. Layla took it and went back up the stairs to change into it and fix her hair. She came back downstairs.

"Okay, I'm ready to go to the carnival. Let's go!" Layla said, excited since this was her first time going to a carnival. She went to put on the shoes that Theo brought for her. The group went out the door and Scott locked it. The groups fix together in three separate cars, and they made their way to the carnival. Once they got to the carnival, they purchase tickets. The groups split up into couples. Scott and Layla, Stiles and Lydia, Theo and Jay, James and Malia, Liam and Hayden, Corey and Mason.

"We will all meet back here when the carnival ends," Scott said. Everybody nodded and went their separate ways. Scott turned to his mate, "Where do you want to start first?"

"We should do all the rides, then the mini-games, and end with the Ferris wheel " She replied. Scott nodded and his mate started dragging him to the rollercoaster.

"Five tickets, please," the worker said. Scott handed him the tickets. "Would you like your picture of your ride?" Scott and Layla nodded and they sat in their seats and brought the bars down. The ride began.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done the rollercoaster," Layla said when they got to the drop part, she forgets about it. She held on to her mate's hands tightly as the coaster began to drop. After the ride ends, they got off. Layla's legs were jelly, "I will never go on a rollercoaster again." Scott laughed and grabbed their picture from another worker. Layla looked at the picture, "Why did they take the picture during that moment." She did an ugly facial expression when they drop.

"Oh, you don't look bad" Scott laughed, his mate frowned at him laughing at her, "Stop laughing"

"Okay, okay. Why do we do the teacup ride next, it is not scare like the rollercoaster" Scott suggested. They made their way to the ride. After a couple of hours of playing every single game at the carnival, they finally came to the Ferris wheel. They got on the ride. Layla set down the prizes that Scott and herself won on the floor and sat on the seat with her mate. They looked out the window.

"Wow, the view is beautiful, isn't it?" Layla asked her mate. "It is" He answered, looking at her. Then, all of a sudden the Ferris wheel came to a stop at the top.

"Why did it stop? Oh my gosh, did it break? Are we going to roll off?" Layla asked in a panic, looking out the window more, trying to see what is going on down there. Scott held her hand and turned her face to him,

"Don't worry, they stop it for the fireworks event."

Layla did an oh in understanding. The fireworks went off and they turned to watch it. They turned to each other, smiling lovely at each other, then, the ride begins again after the fireworks ended. They got off the ride once it ended.

"You guys ended with the Ferris wheel also?" they heard Stiles asked. They turned to see all their group members, getting off the ride as well.

"Yea, what a coincidence" Scott said and they all laughed. They all went their way out of the carnival.

"We should have a pack night" Stiles suggested as they made their way to their cars. Everybody agreed. They went to their individual homes to get stuff for the pack night.


Everybody settled in Scott's house in the living room after setting their stuff in the corner of the room. Some of them were sitting on the couch, others were sitting on the floor. Scott came out of the storage room with two jet torch lighters and into the living room where the group was.

"Why are you holding torch lighters?" Layla asked her mate.

"Well, this is how you, Theo, Jay, and James are going to get the pack mark."

"Really, are you sure?" Theo asked hesitantly. Scott and the pack smiled at him, including Malia, a shocker.

"Yea, since you are werecreatures and chimeras getting a tattoo of the mark won't work, so we have to burn the tattoo on your arm" Scott replied, "Who would like to go first?" James decided to go first.

"Malia, I'm going to need you to hold him down," Scott said. Malia nodded. Stiles got a chair from the kitchen and James sat on it. Malia held his shoulders. "You ready?" James nodded, and Scott turned on the lighter and begin marking James's left arm. James screamed as his mate held him down. After a few minutes, he was done and James had his new pack mark.

Then, Jay, it was turned. After her, Scott did Theo. While Scott was doing Theo, Layla tried to put a numb spell on her arm but realize that she lost her powers. Finally, it was his mate turned. "Theo, can you hold her down" Theo nodded and held Layla's shoulders. Layla braced herself and Scott started marking her arm. Throughout the room, you could hear Layla screaming in pain. As this was happening, small objects in the room started floating. Everyone, except Scott who was focus on the marking, and Theo, were shocked at this. They looked at Layla to see her eyes were orange with a hint of yellow. They were wondering how she still has her powers after reviving a dead person. After Scott was finished, the small objects that were floating dropped, some breaking in the results. Scott, Theo, and Layla jumped at the noises and turned to look around the rooms to see objects that were broken.

"What happened?" Layla asked.

"You happened" Stiles replied.

"What?" Layla asked confused.

"While you were screaming in pain, those objects started floating and your eyes were orange" Stiles explained.

"That's not possible, I lost my powers," Layla said confused.

"Maybe you didn't lose your powers at all," Theo said.

"Do you know why that may be the cause?" Scott asked

"I don't know, but I have to go," Layla said, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Scott asked

"I'm going to Witch World, I will be back" Layla answered as she creates the portal to Witch World.

"Witch World? What it that" Stiles asked

"It's where witches and warlocks live. Witches and warlocks that are mates of other creatures don't live there" Layal answered as she continued to make the portal.

"Why are you going there?" Stiles asked

"To speak to the Supreme witches and warlocks"

Layla replied as she finished making the portal.

"Can we come with you?" Theo asked. Layla thought for a second, "Yes, you can, but humans are not allowed in Witch World. Stiles and Mason can't come."

"Why not?" Stiles asked, disappointed that he can't come.

"Because humans aren't supposed to know about witches. It's a rule, if a human finds out about witches, their memory needs to be wiped. If a witch doesn't wipe that human's memories, they are punished. I'm supposed to wipe you two memories, but I didn't. I don't know why I haven't been punished yet. I may be punished once I get there. The only two ways a human is allowed in the Witch World are if they have been cursed by a dark witch and if they were once possessed by a supernatural being. They won't even get through the portal if they weren't cursed or possessed before."

"Damn, that harsh" James said.

"Well, Mason and Stiles can come then since they were once possessed by a supernatural being. Stiles was possessed by the Nogitsune and Mason was possessed by the Beast of Gevaudan" Scott explained. Layla nodded,

"Okay, then. Let's go."

One by one they went through the portal which closed after the last person went through.