
The Aloof CEO's Unclaimed Bride

Engaged to the city's youngest billionaire, the man whom she had a crush on for years, Aurora believed she had it all—love, wealth, and a bright future. Little did she know, she was merely a substitute for his ex-lover. Determined to spare herself further heartbreak, Aurora disappeared from his life on their wedding day, leaving no trace of her existence. But life had a cruel twist in store for her. She was pregnant with his children. Five years later, their paths crossed again. He refused to let her escape. He was set to win her heart and that of his twins. Torn between the love that once broke her, her children’s greatest wish, a threatening court case, unsolved murders and secrets, what will Aurora do? ~~***~~ Cover not mine, all credit goes to the owner. Mature Content! Adorable Kids!

Baebiii · Urban
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11 Chs

Impromptu Visitor

Following the direction Ace gave to him, Axel dropped everything he was doing and immediately drove over to the hotel Aurora was staying in hopes of speaking to her. 

Arriving in front of the hotel, his eyes raked over the tall building before narrowing on the screen on his phone, with her name vividly appearing as the caller ID.

Ring… Ring… Ring…

He waited for the call to connect, his fingers tapping impatiently on the steering wheel until he heard the familiar chime signaling the call connecting.

"Miss me, love?"

Aurora could recognize that voice anytime and day. 


Her expression morphed into a frown. Glancing over at her kids, Aurora sighed as she walked away from their earshot.

"Wrong number."

Axel's eyes flew open. He hadn't expected Aurora to react that way against his charms and flirtations. 

"Aurora, wait!" Axel spoke in a rush. 


"Come in love, it's me, the only one who can make those lips tremble and scream my name while taking you to the peak."

"Did the devil sweep you in or did you hit your head against a wall?"

Seeing as his charms weren't working, Acel released a deep breath.

"Aurora, it's me."

"Of course it's you. You who?"

"Seriously?" Now he knew she was overdoing it but Axel wasn't giving up. "It's Axel. Listen, I know things didn't really go how it was supposed to, but I thought we could talk. Settle this like adults?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Axel," she retorted in a firm tone. "Please, don't call me again."

Without waiting for a response, she ended the call abruptly, leaving Axel staring at his phone in disbelief.

'Fiesty kitten. It'll take more than that to dismiss me, love.' Axel concluded inwardly. With a sigh, he dialled her number again, only to be met with the same cold silence.

He tried once more, his fingers trembling as he pressed the call button. 

No answer.

He tried again for a third time.

Another call, another swift dismissal. 

"Well, I tried the easy way, Aurora," Axel muttered to himself as he pocketed his phone. "I tried to handle this as a gentleman would. You're just so stubborn at times. Time to fo this my way."

Leaving his car parked at the entrance, his eyes fuzzed over before taking another step forward.

Axel strode into the hotel lobby confidently. The gilded elevator doors slid open with a sigh, welcoming him. 

He adjusted his tie, the glint of a gold watch peeking out from his sleeve, a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He walked towards the reception desk, his cologne leaving a faint citrusy trail.

His charming demeanour and easy smile caught the attention of the receptionist, who greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good evening, angel," he purred to the receptionist, a lady with a name tag reading 'Beatrice.' Her smile faltered slightly, unsure of how to respond to his overly friendly address.

"How can I help you, sir?" Beatrice inquired politely.

Axel leaned in like he was planning a conspiracy, his voice dropping to a whisper. "You see, my wife, Aurora Reign, checked into your hotel. A room with two little ones, adorable—my spitting image." He winked with a glint of mischief in his eyes. 

The receptionist, barely out of her teens, chirped, "Certainly, sir. What room number may I help you with?"

"That's the thing," Axel continued with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "It's a bit of a surprise." 

"I just wanted to surprise them, so can you help with their room number?" he asked with a wink. 

The receptionist hesitated, her brow furrowing slightly. "I'm sorry, sir, but hotel policy prohibits us from sharing guest information. I'm afraid I cannot disclose—"

"Discretion is key, dear," Axel interrupted smoothly, a wide smile spreading across his face. As he spoke, he dipped his hand into his pocket, reaching for a wad of cash.

Just then, another receptionist entered with widened eyes as she recognised the person before her. She hurried over with a look of awe on her face. 

"Mr. Jayden," she exclaimed with a voice tinged with reverence. "It's an honour to have you here. How may I assist you today?"

Axel's smile widened at the recognition, and his confidence was lifted by her respectful tone. 

"Ah, thank you," he replied graciously. "I'm here for my wife, Aurora, and our children. Could you please help me locate their room?"

The newcomer nodded eagerly as she took charge, pushing Beatrice a bit to the side. Left with nothing to do, Beatrice stood in a corner, watching the scene unfold. 

After a few taps on the keyboard, she lifted her head to meet Axel's gaze. Their room is on the fourth floor, suite 402. Shall I inform them of your arrival?"

Axel shook his head with a playful wink. "No need. It's a surprise. She's expecting me later," he said, moving back into his pocket. "I didn't catch your name, though."

"Silvia. My name is Silvia Thorne, sir," she replied enthusiastically with a warm and genuine smile. 

The fact that she was having a conversation with Axel Jayden—the top leading businessman in the country, was like a once-in-a-lifetime chance. 

"Well, thanks for your help, Silvia," he thanked, sliding a generous tip. "I'll be on my way." 

With a confident stride, Axel made his way to the elevator and then down the plush hallway, the rhythmic click of his polished shoes echoing in the silence. 

He reached Aurora's door and rapped sharply on it.

From within, Aurora's voice, laced with suspicion, called out, "Who is it?"

"Room service, ma'am," Axel replied in an overly cheerful tone to mask himself.

"Room service?" Aurora muttered to herself, the clink of the doorknob causing her to turn away from the two sleeping figures nestled in the bed across the room. 

"Just a second," she called out, her voice barely a whisper

With a furrowed brow, she crossed the room and cautiously opened the door, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of him standing there.

"Aurora," Axel's voice was smooth as butter, a practised charm playing on his features. "There you are. I was starting to think I had the wrong room."

Aurora's hand tightened on the doorknob, her knuckles turning white. 

"This isn't funny, Axel. What are you doing here?" she demanded. "I told you, you have no business being here."

A hint of a smile played on Axel's lips. "Now, now, where are the manners? Don't you want to invite your husband in?"

He gestured theatrically towards the room, but as he put a foot forward, he was met with an obstruction.