
The Almighty Derek (18+)

Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

Ebere_Juliet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 3: An unlucky Day

Hazel woke up to her phone ringing nonstop, she sleepily searched for her phone on the table, when her hand reached it, she picked without looking at the calle, Hello?

Holla! baby oh God no,! don't tell me you're still sleeping, do you know what time it is? how are you going to prepare for your interview at that hotshot Club if you can't even wake up early! Her best friend May shouted through the phone, it was so loud that Hazel had to move the phone away from her ear before she had a brain damage or whatever it is people get from intense shouting close the ear and rolled her eyes

May would you stop overeacting? this is just 3pm and the interview is by 5pm, who even fixes interviews in the evening anyway? she said sitting up on the bed,

"May give me a second let me get my evening coffee because without that I can not handle you and your loud voice "

May shrieked across the phone and said "bitch I am going nowhere , I am right here".

Hazel got down from her bed and took in the state of her tiny room which hasn't been touched since the day she had to hurry after being called at work on her day off only to get there and get fired because she refused to sleep with that douchebag manager at the supermarket where she worked. She went to her kitchen made her coffee and took her best mug with " get up and get it" caption, poured herself a full mug and went back to her room.

I am here with my coffee so talk away! she said to her best friend who started talking immediately she came back from the kitchen

Haz she called have you seen Derek and Sean Jones on the magazine recently? those two exhume sex even through the magazine and you have an interview that gives you the chance of meeting not just one but two of the Jones siblings and you dare close your eyes to sleep!? after waiting a second without hearing Hazel talk

Are you even listening to me? May asked

"yes your highness" Hazel answered mimicking May's high pitched voice

May laughed , okay darling I'll let you go but girl I want all the gist when you get back

oh come on Hazel replied, you know I'm not going to hookup with the Jones brothers, I'm going for an interview Incase you forgot, she chuckled

Whatever, you know I love you right? May said before hanging up without letting Hazel reply.

May and Hazel have been friends and neighbors from kindergarten, they did everything together even had matching sets of outfits at one point, so when Hazel's parents died in an accident May's parents did not hesitate to take Hazel as their own. Since then the two have been inseparable.

Hazel shook her head to push away the happy-sad memories, she checked her time , it was 4pm which means she had only one hour to get to the interview because from her house it takes twenty minutes to get to The Arrows Club and suites owned by the Jones brothers.

she ran to her bathroom to take her bath and it felt like if she added an ounce of flesh she wouldn't be able to pass through the door ,smacking her wrist against the sink she cussed her fate and whichever guardian angel that was assigned to protect her, she went under the shower turned the water on she jumped as cold water poured on her

Damnit! I forgot to turn the heater on she screamed. after some minutes she hurried out of the shower and took her towel to wrap around herself and went into the her room , searched through her wardrobe and there was absolutely nothing there that she could wear to an interview, only the dress she bought few weeks ago for a date that went horribly because the guy never stopped talking about himself and his wonderful job.

she wore the dress, combed her hair back and put on some makeup to avoid looking like a Zombie, took her small purse and called for a taxi.

she got to the Arrows Club and suites 10 minutes early and gave herself an invisible shake for making it early. she got to the bouncer that was staring at her as if he wanted to strangle her.

"I ....I came for the interview " she stammered, the bouncer nodded and told her to go to the room by the right and meet Ava, Derek's secretary and because Hazel was nervous she ended up in the room by the left and that was how she ended up being harassed by that old geezer.

You look so beautiful, who knew that Derek could manage to give me such a beautiful angel Mr Rios slurred because he was already drunk, he kept coming closer as Hazel was still trying to figure out if she had entered the Wrong room and smack! she slapped the man as he reached out to touch breast .

how dare a lowly prostitute like you raise your hand and slap me? do you know who I am? he thundered with bloodshot eyes, Hazel could see he was very angry and decide to not bring more problem to herself and run when the old man yanked her hair and pushed her to the floor, she screamed in pain and that brought the secretary to the room. Ava begged Mr Rios to stop but he wouldn't listen so she went out to call Derek.

as another slap was about to land on Hazel the old man was forcefully yanked away from her and she ran across the room to save herself.