
The Almighty Derek (18+)

Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

Ebere_Juliet · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 16: Rough and hard

Derek dropped his sister to the place she left her car but didn't forget to tease her for the last time that day " you know I could call Lorenzo to drive you home if you want" he said and winked at her, she gave him the middle finger obviously furious but couldn't do anything about it, Derek thought it was payback for what she did to Hazel earlier.

"Hazel you were so cool today, thank you for saving his grumpy ass" Isa said as she hugged her and stepped out of the car without sparing Derek a glance "let me know if you need Lorenzo sis" Derek teased her " go fuck yourself" she told him. Derek could see her smile as she walked away. "leave her alone will you" Hazel said as she laughed, her laugh was so sweet and Derek didn't want to stop hearing it "that's what she gets for pulling that prank on you earlier, you looked so sad and I couldn't help but get back at her, I never want to see you sad angel, it doesn't suit you, I want you see you smile always, you look so beautiful when you do" Derek's voice was so soft as he spoke to her. she gave him a whole smile " yes that's what I'm talking about" he said as he leaned in as kissed her, she returned the kiss with same energy he was kissing her. "I'm so glad you are alright" when Derek heard the first gunshot he nearly lost his mind, he thought someone had shot Hazel, laced with worry his mind didn't register the fact that his revolver was pulled off his waist not until he heard a body fall to the floor and he saw Hazel holding his gun, she had shot the man, where he came from Derek had no idea, he didn't really recall anything else aside Hazel holding his gun, that was the sexiest thing he had ever seen. his member rose at the sight, he was sure he had gone crazy because how else can one explain why he got an election when his life and hers could be in danger. he would ask her where she learnt to use a gun when they got to his penthouse. He kissed her deeply again before turning to drive.

By the time they got there it was 1:am in the morning, he wanted to fuck her brains out but she looked really tired so he wanted to let her sleep, it wasn't an easy decision because he had pictured her writhing under him all week, it was a miracle that he didn't loose his mind.

Immediately they got inside the house Hazel slumped on the couch, today was crazy and dangerous and she loved it, she has never used a gun on a person before only shooting boards in a shooting range. the danger from their trip today made her blood rush, it brought up the fantasy she had about fucking at gunpoint, she wanted that feeling of danger and pleasure mixed together, she pictured it would be the best feeling in the world. "what are you thinking about?" Derek asked as he sat down beside her, she turned to look and him,. their eyes met and suddenly she felt hot, her pussy was tingling, all the tiredness she felt immediately left her body.

she had been thinking about him being inside her the whole week, at some point she has a dream about Derek tying her up and spanking her till her ass was bruised, she knew Derek liked it rough and being in control but somehow she felt he would think she's a weirdo if he knew what was going on in her head.

she stood and sat on top of him, as she sat on him, she could feel his cock poking her through his pants, she bit her lips and started grinding her hips against him, she could feel his cock get harder as she did so "hmmm" Derek groaned and threw his head back while holding her waist firmly and helping her move faster. Hazel pulled him close and gave him a deep and sloppy kiss, as the kissed, Hazel removed one of his hand from her waist and placed it on her neck and used her own hand to firmly press on his, Derek understood what she was trying to do and he pressed his large palm tightly on her neck, he snaked his other hand through her polo pulled it off and flung it to god knows where, he cupped her breast and rubbed against her nipple hard, she cried out as she couldn't keep it in. on one hand she had little space to breath and she was struggling for air, on the other hand she was getting so much pleasure from the way he worked her breasts, the two different emotion came together and was about to explode in her. as Derek loosened his grip in her neck, she climbed down and undid Derek's belt and pulled his pants including his boxers, his raging cock sprang up, she pulled her pants also and climbed back up on him, she impaled herself with his cock, as she started moving she could feel him in her stomach, she couldn't still get past how big he was. she slowed her pace, she wanted Derek to loose it, since they came back he had been handling her like a fragile glass and she didn't want that, she wanted to be fucked hard and choked till she couldn't breathe. it looked like her trick worked immediately she sucked on his nipples "fuuuck angel you're moving too slow" he groaned into her mouth as he kissed her. " then do something" Hazel told him and he took that very serious, he swiftly switched their position while still inside her so he could be on top of her, when their eyes met Hazel took in his expression, he looked a wild animal who had been starved, Hazel did a little jump inside knowing that she affected him as much as he did her. He slammed into her furiously, till she couldn't bear it anymore, she closed her eyes and bit her lips "look at me" he commanded and she complied immediately, he removed his hand from under her waist and placed it firmly on her neck, he applied pressure but not too much just as she liked it, "yesss.... Derek" she moaned and gripped the couch tightly, she was feeling so many things that she wasn't sure her brain still worked, she needed a little bit of pain so she slapped one of her breasts hard as he continued fucking her mercilessly, Derek understood what she needed, he always does. He used his free hand and smacked her across the face, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. while he still had his other hand on her neck, the slap came again and again till she became a moaning mess, she could feel her orgasm about to explode, Derek didn't look like he was anywhere close so she wanted to drag hers as long as she could, she felt tears dripping from her eyes.

Derek pulled himself out of her, he knelt down and pulled her down so her head would rest on the couch and her ass would be the same height with his dick, he took in the mess he had made of her, her face was red from his hands, the tears in her eyes and how she was moaning under him. He placed her two legs on his neck, he slid into her again with so much force that she screamed out, as he slammed into her roughly, he could feel his own orgasm drawing closer but he wanted to see how long she would hold out, it didn't take long tho before he felt her shatter in his arms, she grabbed his wrist so hard as she came that there would definitely be bruises there in the morning, Derek came immediately after her, he wasn't wearing any rubber so he had to cum on her stomach. They both fell side by side on the floor breathing hard "that was so good" they both said in unison and laughed. by the time they finished cleaning up it was 4 :am in the morning, They lay on the bed with Hazel snuggled close to him with nothing on, he liked sleeping naked, it seemed Hazel liked it too, it didn't take long before they both drifted off.

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