
The almighty demon lord's summon as a mere highschool student

An organisation know as agency zero,founded to destroy demons years after a great war occurred between gods and demon kind is posing a threat to the demons who want to live in peace. A group of these demons decide to call up their lord from the underworld for help but it doesn't go quite as planned....

Lixurin · Fantasy
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8 Chs

You're staying with us Lilith

"Where the hell have you been?A demon attacked the school and you were nowhere to be seen!Do you know how worried I was Iniko?!"Yelled the girl pulling him into a hug.

'What the hell?She hit me and says she was worried about me?Isn't this quite the human,"Iniko thought.

"Hello,I'm Lily,"Lilith spoke ,"What may I call you?"

"Oh,I'm Alya,Iniko's sister,"She spoke as she let go of Iniko and gestured into the house,"Please,do come in."

"Oh,thank you,"Lilith spoke as she walked into the house after Alya.

Alya showed Lilith into the living room and told her to make herself feel at home.

"Oh,she's gonna be living here from now on, thought you should be aware,"Iniko told Alya as he walked towards his room.

"I'm sorry,what?!"Alya snapped.

"Her house was destroyed by the demon that came to school today!She also rescued me from a couple of thugs yesterday.Do you really want to send her to spend nights in the cold streets knowing well we can accommodate her,Alya?After she helped your little brother?"Iniko yelled back making Alya lower her tone,"No,of course not,our parents raised us better,"she let out a nervous chuckle and turned to Lilith who was blankly staring at the two.

"You're more than welcome to stay in our house."

"I wouldn't want to be a burden,miss,I think I should-"

"Nonsense, nonsense,you're gonna stay with us,"Iniko interrupted her.

"Yeah!"Alya supported him.

Lilith really didn't want to live with them due to Iniko but since the servant seal would act up if she defied him and refused she just gave a forced smile."Thank you so much."

"No,no,thank you,Lily,for saving my poor little brother,you just get comfy,but you should really look out for him,he's not the little angel he seems to be,he's a little monster,always has been,"Alya said lowering her tone further.

"Oh,don't worry about me,I can handle one of my students,"Lilith giggled.

"Students?You're a teacher?"

"Yes,of course,that's why I lived close to the school,"Lilith answered with a smile on her face.

"Oh,you look like a student yourself."

"Oh,yes,I just finished college three months ago and got the job last month."

"Wait,how old even are you?"

"Why,I'm twenty six years old,Alya"

"Hmm,checks out,sorry if I asked too many questions, just gotta make sure you mean no harm,"Alya smiled at Lilith.

"Understandable,I respect that."

Alya proceeded to show Lilith around the house,the guest bedroom and other rooms she would need to use,and lent her a few of her mother's clothes."You're gonna need a few clothes since it seems you lost everything.If they're a bit small,then I'm sorry."

"Oh,they'll do just fine thank you,"Lilith smiled at her,"May I use your bathroom to take a bath please?"She was just itching to get out of the clothes Iniko had given her.

"Feel free,"Alya replied as she left her in the guest bedroom.

Lilith immediately took off the blazer and opened the wardrobe and luckily, there were towels in there and a bathrobe amongst other things.She quickly took off the skirt suit and dumped it on the bed and put the bathrobe on.

It was cream white in colour and just barely reached her knees.She seemed to love it nonetheless. She walked out of the room and headed towards the bathroom.She entered the bathroom and took a deep breath of the sweet scented soap that filled the air in the bathroom.

She turned on the hot water in the bathtub and took off the bathrobe and slowly got into the water,savouring the feeling.

He whole body cried out in pleasure as she relaxed in the hot water.As she was enjoying herself,Iniko appeared by the tub,"Enjoying yourself,Lilith?"

"For the love of all things big and small!Why won't you leave me alone for even a darn minute!?"

"I want you to tell me everything you know about this human world,ever since the great war,since you decided to stay here and abandon your subjects."

She sank her head up to her nose with a look of guilt I'm her eyes and pulled up again."It's not that I didn't want to go back or anything,I couldn't, my power was horribly depleted, I was injured and the demons went back to hell and shut the gates.I used my last remaining bit of power to escape capture by the humans because we'll,what wouldn't they do to me?I tried contacting demons for years but it never seemed to have any effect so I started taking care of myself hoping all was well in my empire."

"Yea,that's sad and all,but I want you to tell me what has happened,changes that have been made on the human realm."

"Well at least pretend you're a bit sad!"She complained.

"Just tell me already or I make the seal activate."

She proceeded to tell him everything he needed to know to act like a normal person.From the introduction of weaponry powered by the power of the gods and created by remains of the weapons used in the great war to the use of modern technology and vehicles.

"Humans have developed quite a lot haven't they?"

"Yup,now fuck off!And never appear to me when I'm taking a-aaaaah!!"She suddenly screamed due to the servant seal reacting to her language towards him.He chuckled and disappeared.Just as he disappeared, Alya came knocking at the door asking if she was okay.

After confirming she was okay,she told her dinner would be ready in a few minutes so she should hurry up a bit and proceeded to go banging at Iniko's door telling him too to be ready for dinner.

Lilith got out of the tub,dried herself using the towel and put the bathrobe on and proceeded to the room she was allocated.