
The Alluran

Asher is a boy who has the power to save the world or completely demolish it. He has been running his whole life from the corrupt and powerful Brimfell army, who only want to use his power to force the other nations into submission. Asher along with his friends must come together in order to strike down Brimfell as it grows stronger every day. The story of power and how it can corrupt or prosper depending on the person wielding it. Will Asher and friends be able to save the world or will darkness reign over Meridenn?

Beckett_33 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lazuli Shelter (1)

A smile appeared on his face as he started to follow her a few steps behind her as he did his best to keep up with her but his body was still weak from everything that had just happened. Everytime he tried to speak she would walk a little faster which would make him expend more energy to catch up to her as they passed all sorts of different buildings that were completely different from the burned village he was at. We finally made it to the last building on the right side, and as I was getting worried about randomly showing up at her house I blurted out. "Hey, are you sure it will be okay for me to just show up to your house? I don't want to bother your family or anything like that."

She stopped walking as he began to worry about what her reaction would be, but then she started laughing lightly which took the boy by surprise. "Yeah, they won't mind. I guess I forgot to mention I live in a shelter. Where I live newcomers aren't something people will look twice at, but not knowing who you are might be a little bit of a hassle. Hey! Do you mind if I give you a name? It would only be a temporary thing."

A curious and worried look appeared on the boy's face as he wondered what a shelter was, but also bewildered she would go this far for someone she just met. He gave her a weak smile as he said, "A name? Sure, I don't mind at all. If you say it would make things a little easier then I believe you, but I still have this feeling I should leave."

Her dark blue eyes were looking at him intently which made the boy really nervous, and as he was about to look away her voice stopped him. "Hmm, maybe Mudboy? No, that's dumb. Ashy? That's worse. Aha!"

A huge smile appeared on her face as her eyes were shining like the two spheres in the sky, "Asher! It's perfect."

He looked at her softly and his face began to flush at how happy she was with herself, which calmed him immensely. He lightly shook his head trying to clear his mind and build up confidence as he said, "I think it's a fine name and I hope I can honor it. Also, I don't mean to pry, but what did you mean by, you live in a shelter?"

Samantha was about halfway up the block with Asher a few steps behind her as he started to get a nervous feeling because he had no idea how she would react to the question. He started to notice this warmth radiating from her as they kept walking which made Asher feel a little better as she said, "Ash, we are the same age so you can just call me Sam or Sammy, okay? It's no worries I don't mind and it's because my mom is the founder so we stay there along with the other kids. When she was growing up she was an orphan and fought tooth and nail just to survive each and every day. She made a promise to herself that if she lived long enough she would open a place where orphaned kids would always have a place to live. She served 3 years in the Brimfell military in order to save up enough money along with my father until…"

Asher's eyes were starting to tear up which surprised him because he couldn't tell why until he realized the pain and heartache emitting from Samantha like daggers. He didn't know what to do or say as he felt his heart sink for making the person who saved him feel like this. He tried to push past those feelings but they just started to build up and add on to his own, so he chose to try and change the subject. "Uh, that thing you did back there at the tree with the suit of water and that knife, what did you do or how can you do that?"

There was finally a little bit of light shining on her and he could see a smile, but it felt forced. He could see her hands clenched tight as she did her best to push past whatever was welling up inside. "Wait, you really don't know? I assumed everyone could use something similar to different effects. Since you asked nicely, it's called Mana Manipulation or Magic for short. The world around us is full of Aether running wild like the wind and within our bodies we have these channels that change the Aether into mana. The Aether is too pure and heavy for us to use so our bodies evolved and learned how to change it so it doesn't consume us from the inside out, mana change. Most usually have 2 channels, but there are some who can train their bodies to use more. There are 7 different channels or forms of mana that our bodies can use: fire, water, earth, wind, gravity, dark, and light. I only have water and air, so I'm pretty normal. Usually I've heard 4 is the max that a person can utilize, but that's pretty unheard of for a small city like mine."

Asher has a surprised look on his face as he tries to take in all the information that was pushed onto him, 'Aether? Mana change? Channels? Magic? Why can't I remember anything?! Do I have the ability to do something like that? Ugh, my head hurts so much, shit.'

Samantha has a somber expression on her face as they keep walking forward. Asher catches up to her and as he pushes everything warning to come out down he puts a hand on her shoulder and says, "You are so amazing, Sam. You may call yourself normal, but I doubt any normal person would do what you did for me. I am forever in your debt, so please don't say you're normal."

They pass by a gap in the trees as the moonlight hits them and Asher notices how flush Samantha's face is after what he just said. An uneasy but pleasant feeling washes over him as he looks away quickly putting his hands at his side. "Ahh, what the hell was that about? Why did I just say that? She must think I'm so weird.'

Just as Asher was about to say something else they near the end of the long road as a tall 2 story building appears in front of them as a huge smile spreads across Samantha's face. The building is light blue, with white fixtures and huge sign outside that says, -Lazuli Shelter-. "Well, this is the place Ash. Lazuli Shelter, my home. Just so we are both on the same page, your name is Asher and you came in from out of town and need a place to stay the night. We will be okay, I promise. Let's go inside."

Asher looks up at the sky one last time as the two shining moons are sitting overhead like a spotlight as a smile softly overtakes him. He takes a deep breath and notices Samantha at the door calling him over as he makes his way over to the building. She takes off her jacket, bag and shoes and places them into a small room right next door to the main entrance. She gestures for him to take off his dirty cloth shoes which he does and places them into his pocket as they make their way further into the beautiful house. The sounds of playful screaming and laughter catches them both by surprise as she has a confused but happy look on her face. "Mom, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be this late, but I was working on a new spell that took me longer than I was hoping to complete. I was rushing home, but along the way I found a kid who was in pretty bad shape so I helped him and brought him over."

A loud feminine voice erupts from deep within the house causing Asher to jump back, and when he looked at Samantha she had a defeated look on her face. It made him worry, but before he could make a run for it a woman who looks a lot like an older Samantha walks in. "Samantha Lazuli!! Who do you think you are coming home at midnight! I was worried to death, since you never seem to answer any of my messages. I don't know why I even got you that red core. I understand your education is important, but just message me you will be late that's all I ask. Well since it's your birthday I will let you off easy, this time."

Mrs. Lazuli walked up to her and chopped her on the head causing her to squeal lightly and look up at the woman embarrassed. Her face was crimson as she caught him looking at her so she turned to look at the wall away from him. Mrs. Lazuli had a satisfied look on her face as she turned to Asher and gave him a smile, but for some reason he could feel how worried she was for Sam. He smiled softly and walked up to her, "Hello ma'am. My name is Asher and I am so sorry for the intrusion. Samantha had insisted I come over for food and rest, because she said she lived in a shelter. I am also sorry for causing her to be later than she would've been."

Asher did the best he could to sound professional and tried to do a little bow, but as he did both Samantha and her mother laughed loudly. It caused him to shoot back up feeling self conscious about it as his face turned as red as Samantha's earlier. Mrs. Lazuli walked over to him and placed her hand on his right shoulder as she smiled wide. "I'm sorry for laughing, but that bow was a little too much. We aren't royalty or anything close to that, but that one sure does act like a princess from time to time."

Her voice is warm and comforting as he feels himself begin to relax and he notices Sam is seething with embarrassment. She turns around in a huff and walks into the kitchen as she says, "Mother, don't say things like that please."

Mrs. Lazuli looked at him softly as she took her hand off of his shoulder and said, "It's nice to meet ya kid. My name is Daisy Lazuli, and this is my little slice of Serenity. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but when I had my hand on your shoulder I got this feeling. Nothing bad, but definitely unique."

His breath starts to get rigged and his hands start to shake, 'I think she knows I was lying to her. Dammit. I shouldn't have lied, but Sam said it was the only way. I-I really don't know who I was before I woke up, but I wasn't a liar. I'm sorry Samantha I need to be honest.'

Asher took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes with utter conviction. "I lied to you Mrs. Lazuli. I-I can't seem to remember who or what I am. I woke up and found myself tied up in the back of a wagon surrounded by a burning village, so I started running and running until I crashed into the tree and she found me. Anything and everything before then is gone, so if you want to kick me out to protect your family I understand. I can't say for certain who I was before, but I get the feeling I wasn't a liar. "

She looked at him with a straight face not emoting a single thing as Sam dropped something in the kitchen and came back to the living room. She looked about as nervous as he was feeling maybe more, as Mrs. Lazuli took a deep breath and scratched the back of her neck and said, "Am I just supposed to trust you mere seconds after lying to my face? Look, I am a fair and honest mother and person, but I won't bring anyone into this house that could put my little family in danger. Sammy knows that pretty well, but she still brought you over."

Sam keeps her eyes on her mothers unchanging face as she sighs lightly. She looked like she was going to say something, but he spoke first. "Mrs. Lazuli, I wish I could remember something, but all I get is this aching feeling in my head when I try. She found me on the floor covered in blood, ash, and mud, but still decided to do something to help me and that is more than I could ever ask for. I don't wish to bring harm to her or your family in any way, so I will do the honest thing and leave. She gave me a name and I will do everything I can to not bring shame upon it. Thank you, but I should be going."

Samantha's blushes at his words but not from affection but from the conviction to honor the name that she gave him. That happy look on her face turns to worry as he turns around and makes his way towards the door while her mother starts following him. "Those are some nice words you just said, and also some pretty horrible things as well. I am sorry to hear what happened to you, and what kind of shelter mother would I be to push you away. You can stay the night, eat dinner with us, and get a change of clothes, but the moment the sun comes up I will get you some traveling gear and a map. Is that a deal?"

Asher nods slightly in agreement as he puts his hands together in a prayer-like position and says, "Thank you very much, and when morning comes I will take my leave. I am grateful for the place to sleep tonight, but would it be possible for me to come back here every once in a while if I am in the area?"

Mrs. Lazuli looks at him with a slight smirk as she takes a deep breath and says, "Yeah you can, but only for dinner and you leave once everyone goes to bed. Those are my terms, so take it or leave it."

Asher smiles softly and nods to the mother as she reaches out for a handshake to close the agreement. She grabs his hand and is taken aback by the amount of pure magic flowing through his body in perfect harmony. She is able to feel it coursing through him without him using a fraction of it. She notices his eyes are pure green and appear to be moving almost like they are mimicking the trees swaying in the wind. Thinking to herself, 'This boy has more magic power flowing through him than me and Samantha combined. This boy, good or evil will change the course of the world, but it all depends on how he can control it.'