
The Alley

Sia woke up to the sound of the commander, hissing orders left and right. She lived in a sideways cardboard box, not exactly the most soundproof home. She yawned and stretched her back, when all of a sudden the commander yelled at her, "Sia! You have overslept again! You were supposed to go hunting earlier this morning!" "I apologize, Commander Hazelnut." Sia replied in a shaky voice. She was in charge of hunting, though it was always Vodka taking over for her. Vodka is a Russian Blue, while the commander (Hazelnut) is a simple American Shorthair. Sia is a Siamese. Sia rushed though the alley, into the woods. There she saw Vodka waiting for her. "You always get up at this time, Sia" Vodka laughed. "Sorry Sir...." Sia seemed embarrassed. "You know how much I don't like being called sir, Sia. Now come on!" Vodka ran into the woods, Sia soon following. Though they didn't know it, something bad was about to happen.

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